Saturday, December 20, 2003

In The Beginning...

Hello FREINDS I'm Blank Crieghton. Guess what. No seriously Guess. You were wrong. I was just gonna say that it is 1:33aM IN hAPPYVILLE Kanzaz, it is the same as Kansas only it exist in a parallel universe where everyhting is the smae except the english lang. has no letter 's' there-fore z takes its place. In case you havent figured it out by now, I'm koorazzie aka insane in the membrane. It is Friday night and after a long day of pacing back and forth I've sat down in the wee hours of this....HMMM I guess its sAturday now. Anyway I have started this blog. I spent the last half hour searching google for sites to entertain bored people. Somehow I stumbled across this golden-non-booger-treasure-of-a-website and decided to make a blog. Why? Because at this time o day the si-fi shows become even too poorly made for my taste and because it beats microwaving hot cocoa, disccovering that it is too hot to drink, waiting finding that it has become too cold then remirowaving it only to find I've been captured in a vicious non-femme cycle. Now, commence preperations for overwhelingly long list of favorite and un-favorite movies!!!: Office Space; Beavis & Butthead Do America ;Event Horizon; BAd SanTa; Friday After Next; Black Sheep; Catch Me if You can;the CURse of the Jade Scorpion; Star Wars:Empire Strikes Back; Jay & Silent Bob Stike Back;Billy Madison;As Good As it Gets ;Armageddon; Adaptation; 2001: A Space Odessy; Air Fore One; Tommy Boy; Ghost Busters; Fight Club; Minority Report; Blue Streak; Dogma; MIB ;A Beutiful Mind; Austin Powers and Bruce Almighty. . . oh look a cheddar triscuit under the desk, five month rule! Okay peace out from the Lazy Son of a Blogger, live long and prosper.
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

© 2005 Sojourner Nate