Friday, October 29, 2004

On Time

It has been a wonderful day. Beautiful weather, relaxing atmosphere with not much to do. Anymore at least, I finished all of my homework and did all those errands I have been meaing to do for sometime. I finally developed the pictures from the Dallas "vacation" so I'll add those pretty soon. I tied up some loose strings regarding my educational future, admission etc. Oh and also, I voted! I colored in the oval for Nader. Yeah, I know. I'm a dreamer. So what? I'll do what's right even if no one else does. I also took the time to clean my room, I've been so busy that I just haven't had the time to do anything but work. I feel like I can relax more when my room is clean, and with this stuff behind me. After all that, I went to Lawrence with Mom. She got her hair, well I suppose you wouldn't say cut. Styled maybe. Liz actually did get her hair cut. It looks cute, surprisingly. I like Lawrence. It's probably only a third the size of Topeka but....well it's hard to explain. It's a major college town so I guess you could say it's a little more...DAMNIT! I'll come back to this when I learn more adjectives.


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