Sunday, September 04, 2005


Went over to The Angry Man's house today (aka Chez Dad). What is it with Dads and yelling? Does everything piss them off? I think I can see were Eric from That '70s Show is coming from.

Dad rented Sin City, which I have been dying to see since it was released in theaters. To give you an idea of how long my to do list is the only reason I have just gotten around to viewing it is because someone else rented the movie and because I did my homework as I watched it.

Good movie. Not great, but close to. I didn't expect to see the cute chick from Gilmore Girls in it. That totally caught me by suprise. In fact I don't think I've ever been more suprised watching a movie than I was to see this plaid skirt Harvard attending girl act as a slut in trainign and get her neck chewed on by scary but more hot black chick. Why does the black chick always have to be scary? Also penis! The last earing she was wearing was a penis! I kid you not.

I've seen quite a few of those lately....not real ones. My roomate is kind enough to keep his boxes on when he enters and exits the shower. It's an unspoken but well appreciated rule. Also I respect the man enough to not put out one of his eyes. What I meant was that no matter where one goes on campus you are likely to see a phallus scribbled somewhere. The dry erase boards outside of rooms: penised. The public restroom stalls: penised. Even a window outside one of the dormitories was illuminated with a string of Christmas lights molded into none other than a penis, and testicales too. That earned a discrening glance from my mom. Followed by a long Why do blah blah blah diccussion (rant) on the drive home. It clearly reflects the malle students' desire to use the one school supply he has yet to unwrap for class.

Anyway, Sin City was way better than I thought it would be. makes me want to go read the woah are you telling me that hasn't been defined yet? I'ma get right on that shit!

Dad also rented Coach Carter, but I had alread seen this movie en route to Paris. In case I forgot to mention movies make long airplane trips MUCH better. It makes me want to take international flights more often instead of just quick jumps down to Atlanta or someething in which case your forced to bring a book and actually, ya know, learn. Gross.


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11:19 PM  
Blogger Sojourner said...

Oh dear lord no. A new type of spam?

4:56 PM  

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