Saturday, May 19, 2007

Now What?

I've finished my second year of college. My grades are the worst yet. I thought the Chemistry course I took would be easy because I had chemistry and advanced placement chemistry in high school. In retrospect, I think it was an easy class. That would explain why I did poorly, if I'm not challenged, or assume something will be painless I don't put forth the necessary effort. The same thing happened with Journalism 101; I think could have aced that class in middle school, and that was the wrong attitude. However, I earned a 'B' in calculus, a class most people I know where frightened of. Unfortunately I received a lowly 'D' in chemistry, so I will be retaking the course this summer; Meaning I'll have to commute for nearly half an hour early every morning to class. Then return so that I can get to work at noon. Needless to say, I'm not anticipating a lax summer holiday. On the bright side, I should have a little more free time, perhaps enough to finish some novels, take up guitar again and of course, blog!

My step-sister Liz and my cousin Jamie graduated from high school today. Liz will be going to K-State, Jamie will start at Harvard this fall. I'm envious, hopefully they won't make the same mistakes I do. I doubt they will, no one is as absent minded as me.

Liz through a graduation party at Mom's today. I attended despite being exhausted. I had no idea I owned so much crap. All of it's good stuff though so I'm not sure what I want to throw away or sell. I know that I need to relieve myself of some material possessions though because moving in and out of the residence halls with all of the heavy boxes I have is insane. Pat had to make four trips back to the resident hall. He's going to spend part of this summer in the "glorious nation of Kazakhstan". International travel is so much fun. I believe it is one of my favorite things in life. One more positive side affect of taking this long to get through engineering school is that maybe I'll have the opportunity to study abroad next year since I won't be taking the upper level courses that require I stay on the local campus.

Mom: Let me take a picture of that dog bite.
Liz: Why?
Mom: Because by the time you go to your appointment it may have healed a lot.
Liz: Oh yeah! And we need some more body shots for my photo collage *laughs*
Me: Body shots?


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