Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas In Kansas

It is truly a white Christmas in Kansas and much of the Midwest. A few days ago we had a blizzard of sorts and it left parts of the state buried under about of foot of snow. I remember when I was a kid how I always hoped for a white Christmas. Back then snow had a magical quality about it, now it's just the icy crap that causes car pile ups on I-70 and requires me to put the pedal to the metal if I want to get up the drive way. However when you're sitting inside with a cup of hot chocolate (marshmallows included) watching it blow around outside, it's still beautiful to look at even though I've lost all desire to wade through it.

I don't care about presents as much as I used to. Probably a good thing, rabid materialism really isn't an attractive character trait. Who you are is not determined by what you have. I wonder if Vince knows that, he sent me a length email extolling the virtues of his new MacBook Pro; but in all fairness, it's an awesome laptop.

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