Friday, June 25, 2004

Another Day

Today was just as uneventful as always. I did however get to go to the movies and see The Terminal. It was a great movie staring Tom Hanks and directed by Spielberg, just excellent. It had a lot of emotional ups and downs where you were like “Gee, that kind of sucks. I hope everything works out for this guy” and then you were like “Oh ok, it kinda did, that’s cool.” It was also very funny, funny like how real life is funny not funny like how things in movies or on television normally are, you know, scripted. If that makes any sense. All of the characters were interesting, they were so great in fact that I wanted to see them again in a sequel though this really isn’t a sequel movie. I can think of a few creative ways one might continue the story but it’s really not worth it. The only character I didn’t like was the one played by, Catherine Zeta-Jones , she reminded me too much of Meg. Especially the when she said the thing about seeing men how she wanted to see them instead of how they actually are. Also the guy who was head of airport security was an asshole. In short, it was a funny, touching tale. 8/10.


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