Thursday, June 03, 2004

Fun In The Sun

I better make this fast, I have to go to work in an hour and need to shower and change. Today I went to a country club with Marty and played golf. I think we played 20 holes, it was the first time I’ve played golf in about five years. The weather was great, I made some great drives, not counting that one slice, but my putting definitely needs work. I think I’m using my golf swing too much as a stress reliever or something because I always want to smack the hell out of the ball. Driving the golf carts was fun, it would have the entrance to the club was near the highway, it would have been fun to take the cart out there! One of Marty’s balls went of the clubs fence and hit an electrical tower, one of mine bounced off of a septic tank and almost hit a frog. I don’t know who won, we kept forgetting to keep score, but I think he did, though not by much.

We picked up Liz from the ranch where she works and she told us that while killing weeds she saw a dead cow. Marty suggested she come back when it had decayed more and take the skull. I guess so she could mount it on the front of a RV like on Road Rules or something….what is it with people and the animal heads? Once on the way home Mom and I saw a guy cutting the head off a road kill deer. Probably to mount it on his wall or something. I remember when I was in boy scouts we would go over to Rob’s house and he had a ton of preserved deer heads on the wall. I went by Dan’s to check on my car; it’s almost done with all the body work and detailing so I should have it back soon, as well as some spare parts salvaged from my old car so that’s good. It was nice to do something different than just watch TV today though, of course, I do love TV and would never get tired of watching.

I’m considering starting a new blog dedicated to more detailed movie reviews, saw Pitch Black on the Sci-Fi channel last night, I thought it was good. Liz really enjoyed it, she seems to love all movies with some kind of horrible creatures in it, that and ultra-chick flicks (strange combo). Speaking of movies, I need to watch this new Casablanca DVD as well as go to Mean Girls and The Chronicles of Riddick. That’s all, when I get back from work if I’m not too tired I’ll update some past days and work on the template some.

"Architecture in general is frozen music." - Friedrich Nietzsche


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"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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