Friday, September 03, 2004

Another Week Bites The Dust. Paragraphs Are For Losers.

Today went pretty well, I fixed both the computer in my room and the one upstairs at Dad's. Plus I finally conquered the driver trouble I was having with that POS Epson printer. My uncle Mitchell has come to live with us. He has lost his job in Wichita and is now unemployed searching our town for new opportunities. It's weird because he and my dad are identical twins. The only difference is that my uncle is a lot skinnier than my dad. Their names are similar too, my dad is Michael. Shouldn't cramp our style though. The house is large and my uncle with have the guest room upstairs. I haven't had much time to blog anymore do to a heavy course load. To my surprise, AP Chem isn't very difficult, so long as you read the material it's French that is making me it's bitch. Got a test coming up over radioactive decay and mass defect, looks like it should be a piece of cake. I'm making an effort to cut down on pop today. I drank an entire 12 pack of Sunkist (hey, I was studying) when I peed. It hurt. Time for an intervention.

Old Comments
Duncan Yo-Yo. I forgot to add one thing to this post. The other way to tell my Dad and Uncle apart is one has the retro porn star 'stache.
LSOB | Homepage | 09.21.04 - 6:55 pm | #

Yo-ko Ono.
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.21.04 - 3:06 pm | #


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