Sunday, March 27, 2005

Eating Easter

I was too exhausted from our trip to go to church bright and early like I had planned, and after an un comfortable sleep in my sleeping bag (there were not enough covers on my bed so slept inside the bag, under the covers and strted getting all sweaty) I woke up around 11:00 then started working on me English paper, and I didn't stop until.....about thirty minutes ago actually. I did take a break from work to eat a huge elaborate family dinner around 4:00 (REALLY early for dinner, infact you can hardly call it dinner, I'd say supper). I taped the Simpsons and Arrested Development while I worked and now I'm about to enjoy Alien Apocalypse (the king of B movies starring the king of B actors), Crazy/Beautiful and The Shadow. *sigh* Kirsten Dunst's that tiny tiny "shirt" lol nipples.

"Jon, did you know that for the price of one trip to Lebanon you can get your OWN Martha-Center-2600. . .or two Martha-Center-1300s?" - The Daily Show


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