LSOB. Back In The Saddle.
I'm back from my Blogger hiatus. That's right, I took another break. Surprised? You shouldn't be. So I know everyone is wondering what's life like out there in Nateland. Well, here's the 411. I've divided my life into several categories to make it simpler to read and more simple to compose for a simpleton like me.
Physical Activities:
I'm too busy to stop at my locker and I have 5 giant text books in my back pack. The school has three flights of stairs. I have classes on all three floors. Fuck weight lifting and jogging. When I get home I don't feel like doing anything anymore.
Family Time:
I have a family. Sometimes I see them. My brother calls my cell phone during classes. Teacher like not.
Basically nonexistent. I pet my cat & do. I go to lunch with my friends and then come home and sleep or study. As for romantic relationships *stifles a laugh* I've selected three candidacy for ask-outed-ness. Girl #3 actually chose me, she invited me to go to this party with her Saturday night. Though certainly not ugly, she's not up to my physical standards (high) but I decided to go because I was impressed by her initiative. Most girls lack the balls figuratively and literally to do this. Of course her friend was there to help her along. I feel like an asshole because I agreed then couldn't make it. I was expecting to get my car back yesterday but they needed to keep it over the weekend. I discovered her locker was next to mine this morning and apologized. She was all smiles and just as giggley as always so I guess she forgives me. Girl #2, Veronica. Extremely hot! Flirts with me all the time. She said she noticed how I always starred at her Freshman year and thought it was funny how I always got in trouble in Algebra. She's now recently single but I've decided to hold off on asking her because the crush I had on her has faded. Girl #1 Selma, she's the cute quiet girl in Computer Mastery, beautiful smile, beautiful hair, really great legs! On the few occasions we get to talk I can tell she likes me, and she's very sweet next chance I get I'll ask her out.
Oh, sorry. *Dust off soul* I forgot I had this thing! I'm currently looking for a religion to invest my faith in. One week end I'm going to make a list of possible choices and investigate each one. I think I can cross Baptist off the list (can you say non-progressive?). Methodist is still in the air. I suppose it doesn't have to be Christian but I would prefer that it would be. Just to ease transition. I'm a pretty low maintenance guy. Guess that takes care of Catholicism too (plus I don't want to be touched in my bad place by anyone other than me). If you think your faith can tame my skeptical, sarcastic and considerably a-moral soul give me call at 1-800-HELL-ORBUST
Doing great in most everything except French, need to find a new teacher so Mr. Holland (How strange is that?) will stop complaining about how much he hates guitar players in the rhythm section. Wish I had taken sociology, guess I'll save that for college. Applied for many colleges. So that I can stop the bitching about scholarships and school cost I'll take care of my basic classes at a community college. Probably that nice new one in Overland Park. Oh yeah and good news from Big Buy; STOCK OPTIONS! *leaps into the air and clicks his heals together*
Fast Food quotes for your scorning pleasure: "Stay away from my chicken selects!" -McDonalds "I'm FULL!" - Taco Bell
Old Comments
but baby wipes are.. damp. it's like moist towelettes for the nether regions!
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.22.04 - 12:41 am | #
So? It leaves you feeling clean like nothing else. When you take showers do you complain that the water is damp?...DO you take showers?
Return of LSOB | 09.24.04 - 6:01 pm | #
Physical Activities:
I'm too busy to stop at my locker and I have 5 giant text books in my back pack. The school has three flights of stairs. I have classes on all three floors. Fuck weight lifting and jogging. When I get home I don't feel like doing anything anymore.
Family Time:
I have a family. Sometimes I see them. My brother calls my cell phone during classes. Teacher like not.
Basically nonexistent. I pet my cat & do. I go to lunch with my friends and then come home and sleep or study. As for romantic relationships *stifles a laugh* I've selected three candidacy for ask-outed-ness. Girl #3 actually chose me, she invited me to go to this party with her Saturday night. Though certainly not ugly, she's not up to my physical standards (high) but I decided to go because I was impressed by her initiative. Most girls lack the balls figuratively and literally to do this. Of course her friend was there to help her along. I feel like an asshole because I agreed then couldn't make it. I was expecting to get my car back yesterday but they needed to keep it over the weekend. I discovered her locker was next to mine this morning and apologized. She was all smiles and just as giggley as always so I guess she forgives me. Girl #2, Veronica. Extremely hot! Flirts with me all the time. She said she noticed how I always starred at her Freshman year and thought it was funny how I always got in trouble in Algebra. She's now recently single but I've decided to hold off on asking her because the crush I had on her has faded. Girl #1 Selma, she's the cute quiet girl in Computer Mastery, beautiful smile, beautiful hair, really great legs! On the few occasions we get to talk I can tell she likes me, and she's very sweet next chance I get I'll ask her out.
Oh, sorry. *Dust off soul* I forgot I had this thing! I'm currently looking for a religion to invest my faith in. One week end I'm going to make a list of possible choices and investigate each one. I think I can cross Baptist off the list (can you say non-progressive?). Methodist is still in the air. I suppose it doesn't have to be Christian but I would prefer that it would be. Just to ease transition. I'm a pretty low maintenance guy. Guess that takes care of Catholicism too (plus I don't want to be touched in my bad place by anyone other than me). If you think your faith can tame my skeptical, sarcastic and considerably a-moral soul give me call at 1-800-HELL-ORBUST
Doing great in most everything except French, need to find a new teacher so Mr. Holland (How strange is that?) will stop complaining about how much he hates guitar players in the rhythm section. Wish I had taken sociology, guess I'll save that for college. Applied for many colleges. So that I can stop the bitching about scholarships and school cost I'll take care of my basic classes at a community college. Probably that nice new one in Overland Park. Oh yeah and good news from Big Buy; STOCK OPTIONS! *leaps into the air and clicks his heals together*
Fast Food quotes for your scorning pleasure: "Stay away from my chicken selects!" -McDonalds "I'm FULL!" - Taco Bell
Old Comments
but baby wipes are.. damp. it's like moist towelettes for the nether regions!
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.22.04 - 12:41 am | #
So? It leaves you feeling clean like nothing else. When you take showers do you complain that the water is damp?...DO you take showers?
Return of LSOB | 09.24.04 - 6:01 pm | #
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