Sunday, February 06, 2005

Another Super Bowl Sunday

Disclaimer: This post actually has little to do with the super bowl it's more like just a list of stuff that has been on my mind lately. It kind of sucks because this is going to be a long post and I know in the near future I'll probably have a paucity of things to blog about and will wish I had spaced some of this stuff out. However if I do that I'm likely to forget some stuff. I've been blogging for a long time now, as you can see from the archives; however I've been keeping a journal on the computer even longer. I began in a word processing document on an old 486 desktop PC a long time ago 2nd or 3rd grade maybe. I updated it regularly for years. Then one day we got a new computer and we put the old PC in the closet in the guest room. I promised myself one day I would back up those files and save them. I never did, and at one point, it became difficult because the newest computer we owned and the oldest one did not have disk drives that were the same size (remember those old floppy disk about as big as a slice of Wonder bread?). Dad threw out the old computer one day while I was at Mom's, luckily I found it and brought it back from the curb. I thought I was safe, but it disappeared again, and I can only assume he tossed it when I wasn't looking. I was so mad I couldn't breathe. That was part of my history that buffoon through out with the pizza boxes. Did he ever stop and think maybe there was a reason someone brought it back in? Did he ever stop to think maybe there could be personal or financial info still on the machine? No, probably not. My Dad is not to up to date when it comes to computers, or anything, really. He still rents and even purchases VHS tapes if that's any indication of his backwardness. He probably thinks there are hamster or little gnomes turning wheels inside of this very Dell I'm using now. Also, he is not always the most considerate of other's feelings. I specifically remember telling him not to throw out the old computer till I cleared some stuff out. He did anyway, either because he forgot, didn't care, or didn't understand. Probably a combination of the three.

I don't think I'll ever get over it entirely, he threw out my brothers journals (some old notebooks) too. It would have been nice to get an in depth look at what he was experiencing at my age. We're very different, he's the shy reserved one who always wanted to be in the spot light and I'm the outgoing popular one that seeks some personal peace; though he would get angry to hear this and I know better than to say it to his face seeing as how he has gone through great lengths to ditch this reputation. And he has, I think. As have I, for the most part, anyway. There are only a few things I recall from my old journal: How basic, and primitive the operating system on that computer was [Ensemble (GEOS)?]; That my brother typed a long and silly movie script on it one summer; and one entry about My Dad, Derrick, and I going to see some Batman movie and collecting the character glasses from McDonald's. I also remember begging each and every entry with "Today I-". Today this seems like a boring and unnecessary way to start an entry, but I continue to use it for a sense of continuity. I really haven't changed much over the years, I'm still materialistic (many entries were just about the things I had, the junk I collected, or the stuff I wanted to own and when I wanted to own it: a ferrari by age 16? PLEASE!) and I still love movies, even if back then I had horrible taste in them and wrote really poor reviews (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie was "good"? Bull shit! It was an atrocity.). My old piece of shit journal is gone, but I suppose it has served it's purpose, the purpose that all journals have: to remind us just how dumb we used to be. I don't know if this blog will still exist 9 years from now, but why not continue in the tradition of embarrassing myself? I think it's an important part of growing up even if I'm all but done doing so. Now, without further ado.....

Today I woke up around 11:00 am (it's important to put the am there because sometimes I wake up at the other 11:00). I suppose I should say got up because I woke up several times briefly before that. I didn't really get a good night's sleep. It was probably a waste of time to try and go to sleep. I should have just stayed up and watched Wonder Boys or Solo like I had originally planned to. However after sitting through the foul-tampon-that-was-Jason-X I didn't feel like watching anymore movies that the cable stations picked out for me (Braveheart sucks ass too). Mel Gibson disturbs me.

So here I was at 11:00 am, awake. Yet still tired. Worst of all, horny. I should have done this before I went to bed.....Dad was on the computer pissing people off in sports chatrooms so I had to resort to spankin' it to the Barely Legal mag I had stashed away for emergency use. It took a lot of will power to not to flip ahead and admire all the girls on the pages inside. I knew I'd need it for a time when the computer wasn't available and the only way to keep the magazine as exciting as the web was not to browse. One of the things that excited me about the mag was their age. 19, 20, some just 18. They were hardly any older than me, I could have gone to school with them. To think this is what the hotties sitting next to me in class looked like without what little scraps of clothing they were already wearing? If girls were willing to pose for this schmoe why couldn't I make my own magazine?! Where the hell are the chicks willing to pose for me and my buds? Anyway so yeah, I beat off. Don't act as if you never did. It was necessary before going to work where I would be surrounded for 7 hours by attractive customers and absolutely stunning co-workers. The night before Gillian called me and asked me to switch shifts with her at work, I imagined so that she could go to a Super Bowl party but she really isn't into sports.

So I went to work and a miracle happened, two actually. First: I didn't get yelled at by any managers because I wasn't late, and I sold some stupid magazines. Second: because I only had one embarrassing boner incident. As I was returning a product to the shelf Nicole blatantly flirted with me (why does she do this?) and I got.....Happy.-
Nicole: Hi!
Me: Hi.
Nicole: Oh, so now you're talking to me...
Me: What?
Nicole: I saw you in here on Saturday and I said hi to you but you ignored me.
Me: No I didn't, I said hi. You just didn't hear me.
Nicole: No you didn't, and you seemed mad. Where you unhappy with the service here or something?
Me: No.
Nicole: I know, I'm just playing. No one is ever unhappy with my service! *wink*
it's not the first time it's happen, she often uses suggestive language and on a fe occasions has made some very suggestive gestures at me. Not that, I'm complaining, this has done wonders for my confidence.
-When I went back to the register to scan this one guy's Xbox and Halo (Halo 1, why was this dumbass getting the first one?) I think he noticed that Captain Linger was still around and probably thought I was gay. There were six attractive co-workers at the store today so I couldn't really go anywhere without doing the cowboy walk. There was, Mary, cute country girl. Long curly dark hair, devious smile. Ass to die for. Kim, sexiest older woman I have ever met, gamers, she looks like Quistis from FF7. Both Ambers, one is an adorable brunette the other is a sexy blonde. Erin, super model status. 'nuff said. Last but definitely not least is Nicole, a tall girl with a sweet smile and really long light brown hair. I'm tempted to say she is voluptuous but really it's only her huge (I mean...Yeah BIG) boobs that fit that title. Even my Mom admitted that she was attractive one day when she came home from the store. She said all the girls there had "natural beauty" That's really saying something coming from her. My mom thinks every girl in the world is ugly. Her general response is "When I was her age I was 100 times better looking". Some would argue even now, as if I care. That's fine but keep it to yourself, if I hear ONE more comment even barely touching on that subject and I don't care who it is I will find the guy who said it and kill him. That is a promise not a threat.

I worked with Bryan and that was cool. He is the only guy I would describe as down to earth. Just having one of those friendly easy going personalities. Tyler maybe, but he's nice not down to earth, there's a difference I just don't know what it is. Also worked with Haughn, he's cool. Kind of quiet unless he is talking about some girl. I think he's into our new manager.

Every now and then employs snuck off to the break room to glance at the Super Bowl on the big screen TV. This one kid ask me "so who do you got for the game?" and I was like "I don't even know who's playing"
Mary really pissed me off because just as I was about to go on break she waved some customers over to my line and told them I would help them. She wasn't even busy she could have scanned their items. She can be a bitch sometimes.

And of course, I had my usual share of bitchy, and stupid customers...
CustomerF: Isn't this stupid? The gaming console comes as one piece and the thing it needs to get on the internet comes separate. When my son got home he couldn't play this with his friends. That's why I had to come back out.
Me: Oh yeah? $69.99 is your total.
CustomerF: This product was obviously designed by a man, a woman would have sold this as one package, we're more organized and better at planning-
Me: -You wrote this check for $96.69.....
CustomerF: Oh, oops! Thanks, I guess I was so busy running my mouth I didn't hear what paying attention. *giggles*
Me: It's okay, this happens all the time. *thinks* to idiots.

Brent seemed really excited that we could buy the Aiwa sound stuff at an extremely discounted price. Even at the low price I'm not ready to pay for a bunch of speakers and crap. I don't understand the people who spend hundreds of dollars on sound systems for their cars. If a CD player works, and you can hear the disk or the radio why bother with this other expensive stuff? Do you really need extra amps and 'subs' etc.? I guess I'm just not a part of the tack-on-as-much-shit-onto-your-car-manufacturer-installed-stereo-as-possible-subculture. But that's cool if he is. My brother and Brent would get along well LOL.
When I finally got home from work the Super Bowl was almost over. I was too disappointed by this because I was mainly curious about the commercials. Then my uncle did something that really pissed me off, he turned the channel as soon as they came on and said something about them being 'crazy'. Well of course they're crazy, that's the whole point! That's what makes them so entertaining! What the fuck? At least I got to see the Monk marathon, man that is a great show!

I'm making a reading list
What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America
by Thomas Frank

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction
by the writers of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart

The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
by Douglas Adams

Well, that's all I've got so far. If anything else catches my eye I'll add it here. This beats a writing them down on the back of a receipt or napkin because I won't throw it away and have to wander aimlessly next time I'm in B&N. Any more suggestions?


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