Thursday, February 26, 2004

You snooze, you win. At least this once.

I read today that Forbes’ list of billionaires has grown by 64 members, if only I were that wealthy. I believe I would be truly happy. People say money doesn’t buy happiness but all the things I love to do and would love to do could be easily taken care of with a few billion dollars in the bank. I could satisfy my desire to travel because no vacation and no hotel would be too expensive, and obviously I wouldn’t have to worry about missed work. Or not having a job at all. The oldest man in the United States died yesterday at 114. Those are the two things I would like to combine in my life, longevity and wealth. Although in the end I’m sure it really doesn’t matter we’re all going to die one day and we’re all going to be forgotten one day even if it takes thousands of years. Then it will almost be as if we never existed. Today was mundane but enjoyable. That often seems to be the case, you have a real shitty day and the next one is great. It started off me crawling out of bed, unrested as always. I need to stop staying up late to watch the X-Files and just buy the DVDs since the show is over. Things picked up form there, I took a test in French 3 today and I think passed with flying colors. In study hall we watched a preview of the play. The plot was interesting, it was one of the few I would have enjoyed performing in myself. I'm sorry to say the acting is not all that great, even by high school standards. But the set design is stellar even good special effects with the gunshots. Physics went well, we were divided into teams and had to design a device capable of protecting an egg from a meter and two meter drop using eight sheets of paper and a limited amount of tape. My group consisted of Dora, a geeky girl I had known briefly in middle school and Carmella, an Italian exchange student who sat across from me. The lab rekindled my engineering interests. Ever since I was a child I loved designing and building things. I used to build Lego sets following the instructions, then after I had played with it rebuild something else from my own imagination. In fourth grade I remember a project where we had to build a tower with straws and tape and the tallest one won. I believe I won that contest. For the longest we just sat there staring at each other until I suggested we each come up with a way to protect the egg then build prototypes and test them before using our actually materials. In the end we combined all of the designs to build the device but most of device was clearly derived from my prototype except for the sturdy legs used in Tobias’. I found the most difficult part of the project was articulating my ideas to others, I also cannot draw well so this made things difficult. However when they id understand what I meant my ideas were accepted. I sometimes feel as if it would be easier to assume all the responsibility for such progress on my own, but I could not have built the device fast enough with out help so I put these feelings aside because it was clearly a group effort. It was the most enjoyable thing I had done in a long time. While the demonstrations were taking place, I noticed a few guys juggling with some of the leftover eggs in the carton. They didn’t want to risk using their eggs because any crack would disqualify them. Give some a kid something round and they’ll juggle it, happens all the time. When it came time to test our device it worked in stopping the egg from breaking but tipped over and the egg rolled out on the floor. We all held our breaths for a moment but when the egg finally rolled to a stop it was fine. At least to everyone else’s knowledge. There was a hairline crack on one side of the egg, and an actual hair on the other which had been picked up from rolling on the floor. When someone did spot the crack and the teacher came to investigate I simply rolled the egg over removed the hair and showed it to them. During the two-meter round everyone else’s egg splattered immediately upon impact. Carmella and I were near the jugglers when it came time for us to test our device for the second round. She smiled and whispered to me that I should switch our egg with one of the unused ones. I think she was joking, but of course I already had. I saw an opportunity with the jugglers taking attention away from the carton and seized it. I dropped our egg from the two-meter height and it landed in the center of our device and came to rest gently on the paper “springs”. The device actually functioned better the second time because our aim for the center was better. I believe the egg would have easily survived even if I had not switched it. We received candy as a prize; Carmella grabbed the Kit Kat, Dora grabbed the Snickers and I got the M&Ms. I received the M&Ms because I was busy putting away supplies as they selected candy. The teacher said if you snooze you loose, but of the three choices I prefer M&Ms so it was a win for me. Carmella and I barely managed to suppress our laughter as we wrote our conclusion and answered the questions. She is one of the few girls who gets my humor, and quite often uses it herself. She reminds me of myself if I were female. Went to lunch with Rob, Red, Joe, Dean, Ty and a quiet friend of his who’s name I can’t recall. I rode with Rob and the girl in Ty’s dilapidated yellow car; Dean and Red in Joe’s. On the way there they jokingly rammed us in the bumper. The force was only enough to make us softly lean forward, I think everyone thought it was funny except for Ty, and his old car. I bought a chicken nugget happy meal, it came with the worst toy ever made. Well, okay so it’s not the worst toy ever made, but it is truly strange. A plastic hyena finger puppet that laughs. Then we left and Dean and angry-Red through pennies at Ty’s car I do not know why. We went back to school and Dean gave everyone a high five except for Ty, he tried to anyway but Duff said not if I can help it, so they didn’t. History was enjoyable, I read a chapter and did a worksheet on the prohibition era and learned about Theodore Roosevelt, my favorite president (second would be Kennedy). Then I drove home and drank a Dr. Pepper, then I turned on the computer and selected Blogger from my favorites list. Then I added a new post and clicked preview, the end.
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

© 2005 Sojourner Nate