Friday, May 07, 2004


Today, like most Fridays, was Friday-ish. My Mom picked me up from school today since my car is having numerous things done to it. God that pisses me off, don’t ever allow yourself to end up in a situation where you spend more repairing or doing maintenance on a vehicle where the total cost turns out to be worth more than the car itself. I think the blue book value is only like $3,000. My Dad thought he was supposed to pick me up from school today, as he generally does. I forgot to call him and tell him that there was going to be a change in schedule so of course I received a colorful voice message from him half an hour after 3:00. Actually it wasn’t a message so much as a run on sentence contenting the foulest of obscenities and seconds of snarling. Okay, I get it. So you didn’t want to leave the office, fine; but it’s a little difficult to sympathize when I have to hold the cellophane away from my ear while a man-bear roars out of the earpiece. Maybe I should just take the bus home like Jon, everyone says our public transportation is used only by roughnecks and some seriously ghetto folk but if a gawky guy like Jon survives it on a daily basis how bad could it be? Mom once told me that when she was riding the bus it came too close to a row of a car parked along the street and took off six rearview mirrors and just kept speeding away.

I’m sure everyone finds that really fascinating but I usually just post the events of the day for my records as opposed to just ranting so here they are.
1. Keyboarding – What else, I “keyed” all hour.
2. Junior English – Finished watching Fried Green Tomatoes, I may have mentioned this before but it is the end of the year so basically all we do now is watch movies. Filmophile that I am, I have no problem with this. I think Fried Green Tomatoes had a few good lines and interesting parts but overall it was kind of dull.
3. Weight Lifting – Heh…. Mr. Adams is substituting again because Coach is gone for track. You really have to be there in class for me to explain just how odd this teacher is.
4. In Creative Writing we finished our journals and turned in homework. After that we were given the choice to watch one of three movies (big surprise). The choices were As Good As It Gets, The Parent Trap 2, and a tape of Saturday Night Live. Only 9 people came to class that day. At the end of each school year the seniors secretly agree to take off one day. Today was that day. So of the 9 people who did attend class today 5 voted for the Parent Trap 2, 3 voted for SNL and 1 voted for As Good As It Gets. I was the one, of course. It is no wonder Hollywood makes so many shitty movies. Look at the audience they are marketing to! At the beginning of class I had asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher told me to make it quick, so to save time I decided only to urinate. After half of the movie I decided to return to he bathroom again to finish what I started. Mrs. Vaughn must have caught on that I didn’t like the movie because she spent the rest of the hour using me to deliver stuff to other teachers. I took a stack of ungraded test to Patrick’s Mom who happens to work at the school. It must be strange to have your mom teach at the school you go to. I know I think it’s weird she works there, not because she's the mother of my friend but because I suspect she has an older woman crush on me and it’s a little strange. I also delivered a painting to the art room. I never realized my high school had such talented art students or such a large gallery for displaying their work. I haven’t returned to the art section of my school since the Freshman tour three years ago. It’s kind of a shame, really.

I went to Van Helsing tonight, great special effects + incredibly sexy woman = somewhat weak plot. The plot seemed more like something thrown in at the last minute to hold all the other stuff together. It must seem as if I’m a hypocrite, at times I criticize character driven plots and at others complain that movies lack enough action to hold my attention. Rarely do I find a movie that has a good balance of the two characteristics. Still, Van Helsing is a fun movie to see, you’ll enjoy it with friends or family. Probably not something I’d take Elle to though, it’s not for 6-year-old girls.

"Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance." - Oscar Wilde


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