Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Place With The Best Laminated Card, and the worst prices.

Never one to waste time I have immediately gone to work looking for a new job. When it comes time for me to head back into to Magical World of Minimum Wage I want to have a new job all lined up. I went to Hastings (was ALWAYS my first choice, even before I got my Best Buy job) and filled out one of their computerized employment applications, then I filled out several apps at West Side Mall. One for Dillard’s, Electronics Boutique or “EB”, The Jones Store and J.C. Penny’s. I wanted to apply at the 6 Movie Theaters in the mall but because of the new 14 Cinema that opened down the street it has closed. Probably a good thing too, it was starting to become really dilapidated. It will probably become sort of a hotel for bums and hobos. AJ says that if they leave the seats in crack-heads and heroin addicts will continue to come, sit in the seats, and stare at the screen wide eyed and drooling.

So I left the mall and headed West towards the brand-spanking new 14 Movies. There was a now hiring sign on a neaMcDonald'salds. I drove past. I have no intention of coming home smelling of French fires each night unless significant portions of those fries have gone into my mouth. I arrived at the theaters to find only a few cars in the lot. That did not necessarily mean business was not good, it was 4:00 p on a weekday. Not exactly peak ticket sales time. I went inside the shinny, new, and empty lobby to get an application and saw Gillian leaning oh so seductively on the counter in front of a popcorn machine. I don’t know why but every time I see her lean body and that flirtatious smile of hers I just want to fuck her. Maybe it’s just because she seems so innocent and corruptible, she’s not necessarily all that hot. Strange reason to be attracted to someone isn't it?

She asked me how things were going now that I had been fired. I didn’t really appreciate this seeing as how there were two other guys standing next to her behind the snack bar counter. Luckily none of them turned out to be a manager. Gillian told me that the movie theaters were not hiring because instead of getting new employees they just moved everyone from the "Old Druggie Motel" to this New Environmental Eyesore near the governors estate.

So I left the movie theater with no job. I passed a Blockbuster video on my way back to Fair Lawn, and filled out an application there. Two application actually, one for rentals, and one for a job. I made some small talk with one of the employees about the greatness of Barq’s Red Cream Soda (I thought sharing a common interest would help me get my foot in the door), picked up Hotel Rwanda and left.

My quest for a job may have proved fruitless but at least I did get a good movie. It wasn’t the type of movie I would normally rent. To depressing. The last movie I saw with Dan Cheadle in it was Mission to Mars. Naturally, I surprised by his versatility. All of the acting in Hotel Rwanda was superb, and even though the movie was not exactly uplifting, it was undeniably a great film. I think I might have cried during it (though it might have been my eye just watering, not sure). For those of you who don't know, Hotel Rwanda is essentially like Schindler's List only in Africa. The plots are very similar. Watching the film made me want to be a better person. So I suppose my gas wasting trip down The Street That Smells Like Steak in search of employment had one positive outcome: a brilliant movie [overpriced] rental.


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