Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Finally Free

Warning, the follwoing post contains profane language and unfair racial statements.

I woke up this morning at 8:50, panicked then realized I didn't really have to be to school at 8:00 because I had two more chances to make up my French 4 final, the only one remaining. I could do this at either 11:30 or 1:30. Since I had nothing better to do I went to school anyway just to hang out and kill some time. I drove at a leisurely pace, something I'd almost forgotten how to do.
When I got to school the library entranced was blocked with that extendable steel gate they pull in front to keep kids from stealing books, computers or whatever. They let me in though because I'm a proctor. I flipped through some of the more interesting magazines: Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Wired, Newsweek, Time and National Geographic. Even some of the more boring ones: Parenting, Glamor, Better Homes, North American Deer Hunter, YMm, Highlights For Children, Hispanic, People. They have a magazine for everyone now days. I'm still waiting for Kids Who Eat Paste Quarterly. After that I browsed the shelves looking for good books to read or purchase with by Barnes and Noble gift cards I'm sure to get during this holiday season. I wrote them down on a list.
Then I studied some French, I wrote down whatever I didn't get a chance to study on an index card. No, I wasn't cheating. MME Walsh allowed us to use one. Isn't that kind? I also updated my other blog (unfortunately it's part of a school web-ring and I can't link to it if I want this one to remain private. And I do for obvious reasons). I saw the girl who is an exchange student from France there, I waved and she looked deeply concerned, then hurried away. I thought maybe I could convince her to do some work for me but I guess not. A few guys came into the library and began playing that card game Magic the Gathering but the Librarians kicked them out (Jeez I can't believe anyone still plays that. Where do they even sell the cards?)
I played the Halo trial with these two guys I didn't know and that took up most of my time until 1:30. I went to room 304 to take my make up French test (because I was gone when everyone else took it) I think I did well one most of it actually, only time will tell though.I finished the test around 3:00. Last test, :) FUCK YEAH!

Then I had to go straight home and change into my blue shirt and khakis for work. I worked from 3:30 to 11:30. It was busy, with last minute shoppers but not as busy as it had been on some previous nights. Some of the customers got mad at me because I didn't wish them a Merry Christmas (just take your stuff and leave dammit!) but of course I didn't do this on purpose, it's not right to assume everybody celebrates the same holiday. What if someone Jewish had come through my line? How do you think that would have made them feel? Then how do you think it would have made me feel? One of my favorite quotes, and a good one to live by is "When we assume, we make an ass out of u (you) and me" (but mostly you). Those customers should just be glad I thanked them or said "have a good evening at all". And it's a receipt, not a "ticket". I'd like to see you get into a football game with a printed list of retail items. Dumb asses. Okay, so technically it's the same thing, but I think receipt just sounds better. It's like the difference between soft drink and soda pop God, I really need to find a job that attracts less out of town yahoos because Smallville KS (or wherever) doesn't have it's own mega-conglomerate-electronics retailer. Those damn Gretchen Wilson loving rednecks. Seeing as how I'm on such a roll being an unenlightened, race bashing, intolerant, ass hole; allow me move on to the next group of people who pissed me off because of my insensitivity and ignorance tonight; The Italians getting the XM satellite radio, I couldn't understand one damn word these people said, GO BACK TO BOSTON! Oh, I'm sorry. Bahwstunn. Sorry, I apologize it's been a really stressful week. That was uncalled for.....In conclusion, before I went off on a tangent and started this incoherent, sophomoric, culture clash rant. I had finished my final final (last final exam) and was unable to enjoy the immediate relief of this accomplishment due to a busy work schedule.

Customer: Don't bother asking about the service plan, I used to work at a Best Buy in Iowa.
Me: Oh really? Did you like it?
Customer: FUCK no. That was the worst job I've ever had. I absolutely hated it.

"Nathan look what I have! It's a like a CD player but instead of music it plays smells. 'Scent Stories'. Ha ha This has got to be the worst invention ever!" - Dylan @ store prize give away

Ah, TV. My old friend.

"We're snorting Christmas cheer!" - TV Funhous e

"I just couldn't let him live, he electrocuted Santa's balls!" - South Park, Christmas in Iraq

Ding dong, they caught Saddam! Merry Christmas to the world!
Ding dong, the Americans caught Saddam!
[Santa's sleigh passes by and the boys are hoisted into it]
Now Canada is free for you and you and me
It's the best Christmas presents we ever got
Canadian Christmas, it's the best! We drink and dance and show our breasts!
Let's celebrate! Saddam Hussein's been caught!

"Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Dr. Sam Becket stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and Vanished...He woke to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not his own and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. His only guide on this journey is Al, an observer from his own time, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam can see and hear. And so Dr. Becket finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home."


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