Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Under Pressure

Bah bah bah bah bah bah
Bah bah bah bah bah bah
Do do do bah bah bah bah
Ice, ice baby! Wait, that doesn't fit, does it?

Just one more day until finals are a thing of the past, the pressure is mounting (heh heh mounting). For high school anyway. I took the library final too, and guess what. Not only did we actually have one, it was challenging. It was like 10 pages long and each was filled with a list of book titles, call numbers, and authors that we had to place in order. This task in itself was not challenging, I do it every other day as a proctor. The difference is I'm actually holding the books and putting them away one at a time. This was difficult because I had to remember the books in order as I saw them, if just one was out of place all answers would be wrong after that. Did I mention I have really bad short term memory? The librarians were kind enough to leave us some candy and snacks to celebrate the holidays and to say good bye. Kristy didn't eat hers so I did.

because of the weird finals schedule we had an extra long lunch. For part of lunch Phillip, Red and I ate in my car. The night before my mom had purchased some McDonald's (Fires and Chicken Selects, even apple pie!) for me but it was late and I already grabbed some lassagna for dinner by the time she got home. So I froze it and put it in my lunch box for today. Then warmed it up using the microwave near the stage *shudders* thespians are creepy. Anyways, it turns out this was a big mistake, I should have just stuck with the traditional turkey sandwich, BBQ pringles and a gatorade. Or at least gotten FRESH fast food from Grande Taco.

Do you know the difference between home made food and fast food?
Give up?
Home made food taste BETTER, the day after when you warm it up again. When you warm up fast food the next day and eat it; it's hardly edible! YUCK!

"Thank you Santa, for bringing Christmas to the children of Mars." - Santa Claus Conquers The Martians

Oh gall. Yes. But stale fries are still stale fries no matter what. Yuck.
Faye | Email | Homepage | 12.23.04 - 4:56 am | #

Hmm, I wouldn't know. I've never had leftover Home Fries (dumb movie) before. I like the fires Mom makes so much I usually eat them all up the first day. First minute actually.
lsob | 12.24.04 - 3:57 am | #

fries* LOL The combustion of logs can not be considered home made or fast food. It's just fire.
Freedom Fires | 12.24.04 - 3:59 am | #


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