Monday, June 26, 2006

Twilight Delirium


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Poplar Lane

Visited several homes today to question people about their support for the governor and concern regarding various state issues. I also registered new voters and gave to members of a certain political parties.

Most people didn't answer their doors, but those who did for the most part had positive things to say, although they did not want to mail in their ballots.

Saw a lot of strange things.....a dying kitten lying on the sidewalk covered in flys, a house covered completely with ivy, a lot of smokers I guess everyone in the neighborhood smokes.

It was interesting because I got to visit a part of town I had not previously known about. At the end of my tour I visited some kids' lemonade stand.

So I made about $35 today, unfortunately I also have to pay $75 within 14 days because today I got my first speeding ticket. It's just as I said before: marginalized happiness.

Yesterday I visited Jake and Kwon. Jake finally got the DDR pad he's wanted for so long and it seems like he is enjoying it. I watched my first entire soccer game with Kwon. South Korea vs Switzerland. Everyone was very excited and supportive of Korea, but unfortunately they lost. I felt a little self-conscious because I was sporting a backpack with the same big red logo of the rival to everyone's favorite team.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

90% Good Day

Generally when something good happens in my life, something bad happens just prior or immediately after to lessen the amount of joy I can obtain from a positive event. I don't think that this karma and I'm not sure I would call it Murphy's law either. What I can say for certain is this is the way I have always remembered my life being. I guess it's just my personal curse. My Happiness Marginalizer. I have my class half full days, but my proverbial glass is always only a drop more full than empty, at best.

Today I finally found a job. After months of searching I finally found a job! I got an interview for my bank teller job of choice a few weeks ago; I was literally jumping for joy. Unfortunately BOA made me take some kind of psychological evaluation and I was dismissed because I was not suitable for the job. Maybe I'm not skilled enough to count money (yeah right), or maybe they've detected some horrendous personality flaw that would make patrons hate me and the bank by association (possible).

Anyway, I didn't mention this a while back because I was crushed. Today the Jackass Party hired me to be a filed representative. It doesn't pay much and I don't get many hours, but it's money. Money that means when college starts I'll have the option of eating something other than Ramen noodles every now and then. Still, I'm a little uncomfortable about having the Donkeys on my resume in such a pro-Elephant town, state, region. . . I need to get the fuck out of here.

I applied for the job at the Ramada downtown. It's a huge hotel, I've always wanted to see what it was like inside. It's about what I expected, a big sprawling labyrinth with that old building smell. A lot of the hotel rooms have been turned into offices or apartments. I saw a hot girl at the pool with enormous jugs. I told her she was hot and she said "thanks" then picked up her book and started reading again. I guess she didn't catch my subtext, maybe she didn't notice the huge erection poking through my khakis. At least I got to admire her rack from behind the fence, wet swim suit too!

I got a 70 percent on my Calc test. 21 points of 30. Not bad considering I didn't study at all, I was expecting and F. I would be satisfied with that if.....if I hadn't lost a $140 calculator! I hope it's still at the library. Oh shit, I know it isn't.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The One Thing I'll Miss

One day when* I leave Topeka for New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, Atlanta, or Austin or whatever big city I choose I think the one thing I will miss is the tranquility. During the day Topeka does not seem all that peaceful, the streets are packed and everyone is so busy you almost forget what a small town it is.

But at night it's so quiet. Even on the busier streets I hardly see any cars ate all. I like to drive at this time. I don't like driving just for the sake of driving though, I'm too organized and environmentally conscience for that. Usually what I'll do is save some errand that I could have done earlier in the day for late nights. Wal-Mart and Dillion's are always open so that's not a problem.

I just find it very soothing to drive down 6th, or Fairlawn, twice as fast as I normally wood with nothing around but street lights, stars, and the music on the radio.


Friday, June 16, 2006

Just Dropping By

I visited my old stomping grounds today. I met with the NBES members to work on the organization's new website. I also hung out with Kwon for a while. We ate ice cream and talked about movies, class, etc. Kwon told me saw Jake on campus while headed to his English class so I guess Jake is back from Texas. It was good to be back I'm looking foreword to fall semester especially if I can get through calculus with a C or better. I know Kwon feels the same way about English only it's worse for him because he needs a B to pass. I've offered to help him revise his papers via e-mail.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ghost Towns

I read somewhere on the web that Kansas has more ghost towns than any other U.S. state. I can certainly believe that. As soon as I graduate, I'm hoping to make my own contribution, and leave.

Most of the ghost towns are in the western part of the state which I rarely visit, but they aren't so far away that they would be impossible for me to reach in my hooptie.

I think it would be cool to explore one of these towns. I could take pictures, or see if there's any cool junk still lying around.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Brian Peppers: A Legend In His Own Time

I'm pissed off. Why? Because for what I know to be the third time in a row Wikipedia has removed the article regarding Brian Peppers from its site.

I'm guessing it's because someone thought it was offensive or inappropriate. That someone, apparently, is a man named Jimbo Wales. You can read all about Jimbo Wales on Wikipedia if you'd like. That's great, except I visited the web site hoping to look up information of Brian Peppers, and instead found the mug shot of this douche bag complete with an uninteresting bio.

This is a complaint. The page featuring Jimbo suggest the contact the help desk regarding this and politely address my inquiry to whatever cronies decide to answer. I think that I will, but at the moment I'm too pissed to communicate in a civilized manor. Later when I'm in the mood to cordially wade my way throw rows of red tape to be told "Sorry wait till February 2007 to see your page briefly before it's removed again."

Fuck you Jimbo. Fuck you and Wikipedia. Let me back up some to explain my position, my anger, and my eventual goal.

A long time ago I discovered a web site called YTMND. For those of you unfamiliar with the site it features various still or moving images accompanied by a continuously looping audio like music or a catch phrase. YTMND stand for You're The Man Now Dog, which was the first 'YTMND' created. It is also probably one of the funniest. The sight features multiple still images of Sean Connery and repeats the now famous (infamous?) phrase "You're the man now dog!" from the movie Finding Forrester. Hilarious? You betcha. YTMND links to several similar pages each featuring a different snippet of pop culture. Half are clever, half are stupid. Almost all funny, but occasionally some are downright offensive. When this happens I'm usually able to just shrug the bad feeling off and move on, but you know what REALLY grinds my gears? Censorship. Some times it feels like it's worse than sexism, worse than racism, worse than the most perverted violent gag you could ever imagine. Its like, how dare you stop me from knowing something? How dare you bar me from access to information (good or bad)? I want to know about it, whatever it is, and I should! It's downright insulting.

There are a series of YTMNDs starring (for lack of better word) a man known as Brian Peppers. Who is this enigmatic icon of the internet? From what I can gather he is a handicapped, and somewhat strange looking fellow who was either been the victim of or perpetrator of some sexual misconduct. Most of the BP pages display him attempting to molest a young girl with ominous music playing in the back ground; but others try to promote his innocence.

All that I know about this guy who has managed to rise to internet stardom without trying is that he is bizarre looking and from Ohio.

If you try to find any other information about Peppers or his story from Wikipedia, a typically helpful site, you will have no luck.

I think I recall Jimbo Wales being available for conferences. I'd like to invite him here so I can kick him in the balls with my steel toed boots.

There. I'm vented, and out.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Not much going on at the moment. 6/6/6 went by with out a hitch. I guess some people were actually concerned Satan would manifest himself and destroy the world or something. Part of me wishes he had, at least it would be something new and interesting.

My applied calculus class started yesterday so at least I have something to do now. A part of me hates the class because it is so rushed, but another part of me feels more motivated because I know if I work hard a good grade in the class is closer than it would be during a fall or spring semester course. Maybe I like having an end in sight, good or bad. Or maybe that only applies to math college math courses. . . Charles is in my class, it's cool to see someone I actually know. Oh yeah, Mom is taking statistics in the classroom next door. I forgot to mention that. I think it's strange that I now attend the same school as my mother, but that's universities for you.

Today Dad and I ate dinner at that new Italian restaurant on the west side of town. It was very very good.

Note to self: see The Omen

Friday, June 02, 2006

His & Her Bongs

Just a thought. . .

Wow, I had forgotten how good of a show The Office is. I love marathons. The TV kind, not the running kind.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

While I Was Out

Nothing too fascinating has happened the last few days. Dad and I saw X-Men 3: The Last Stand. It was good but not as good as the second movie which I think is the best of the trilogy.

I've been continuing my job search. No luck so far. This sucks because I was hoping to find one before June, I don't have much time to earn some cash before fall semester.

I think the same Dove company that makes soap and deodorant also makes chocolate. This frightens me. I know it's not as if all the stuff gets mixed together, but I feel that a company making hygiene products should not also make food. Imagine if Firestone or Clorox also sold cheeseburgers.
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

© 2005 Sojourner Nate