Monday, May 31, 2004

Stuff I Did

Around the house
1. Painted walls.
2. Put new shingles on the roof.
Planted grass seed

"Faith: not wanting to know what is true. " - Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, May 30, 2004

. . . . . ?

I love graham crackers. I love them so much that I have decided to dedicate this entire post to them. Perhaps when I get the time I will write a poem about them expressing my deepest feeling for these rectangular honey flavored delights and the memories of preschool the conjure up. Or maybe I won’t. Stay tuned.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Blog Post, Weee!

I watched The Last Samurai on video today. I don't know why my Dad always rents videos instead of DVDs; I guess he likes them better. I liked the Last Samurai Better than I thought I would. It was another 9 asses kicked on my movie rating scale. An all aroung great movie, watch it when you have the time!

"The greatest honor history can bestow is that of peacemaker." - Richard M. Nixon

Hmmm, never though of Nixon as a peacemaker but I guess it's actually true. Even if he does steal robot bodies in the future.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Signs of Summer

Dad and I saw The Day After Tomorrow today, I liked it, I would give it an 8 possibly a 9. Not bad for the first summer action special effects blockbuster. I enjoyed the plot because it brought attention to important enviornmental problems. As well as being exciting it was also quite funny at times, and the special effects were out of this world. Literally! The views from the International Space Station were really cool.Fire flys, lihtning bugs, flying-glow-in-the-dark-thingies are back. Bioluminescence is so strange, what if people did that? That would piss me off, it'd keep me awake at night.

Thursday, May 27, 2004


Not much happening today, I actually made a schedule is; which is funny because I have nothing to do. It's a nice day, maybe I'll go out and play golf or just ride my bike. I don't know I think of something, guess I have plenty of time to decide. That concludes this post. Enjoy the following quote and go with your more interesting life.

"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water." - John W. Gardner

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Fun With Reel Audio!

Today was Marty’s birthday. He got some pretty cool gifts, Hawaiian shirts and TiVo. There was cake too but I didn’t care for it but everyone else seemed to enjoy it so that was good.
this is an audio post - click to play

"Time goes, you say? Ah, no! Alas, Time stays, we go." - Henry Austin Dobson

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

NOTE TO SELF: do this stuff

Today I went to work. Today I ate chicken. I like chicken. I like it in nugget form. Gold is in nuggets, sometimes. I have a bicycle. It's bi. I went to work and a mean lady is there. She is a grumpy albino lady. She smells like dead fish and like baseball. Penguins like fish. Humans like baseball. THE. END.

I forgot that I didn't steal Ms. Bonner's air conditioner. Too bad I forgot, it would be nice to have right now. Also: I'm going to make some major updates to the blog. Like template changes....and stuff. Lets see, weekly stuff. Like, some things that are new. I guess that is about it. Yep. If there are people who read this and these people have ideas for me or the blog or smoothies let me know.

1. kill bear with bare hands (think I'll save this one for last)
2. watch the future
3. build an igloo; live in igloo
4. have sex.....with several thousand women
5. make a sand castle; live in sand castle if igloo melts

Now I know what you're thinking. Were will you live when the castle washes away. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I've got a few years...hopefully.

"Yes, but at what cost, when does the human cost become too high for the building of a better machine?" - Mulder, The X-FIles

Hmmm, remember in the Matrix how they grew humans like crops and used them for batteries....that's about the cost.
I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Twister! Yes? No? Maybe so?

I awoke around 8:00 in the morning when my cell phone rang. It was my mom, of course. Who the fuck else would call me at 8:00? She just wanted to say some little piece of advice that I already knew. I did the "uh-huh" thing several thousand times then said bye in such a way that she understood that I didn't want to talk to her. She called back 15 minutes later to say something she forgot and I just hung up. She does this shit every morning, I finally don't have to go to school but I can't sleep in because of this. The phone rang again almost immediately, I was about to throw it as hard as I could into the wall when the screen IDed that it was a new number. I answered and it was the manager from Dairy Queen. He wanted to schedule another job interview with me. I needed money and my time at Best Buy wasn't really enough but it would be hell scheduling with two jobs. Even though I wasn't very enthusiastic I set up an interview. After that I watched TV, 500 channels and nothing I wanted to see. There were some movies on but I would prefer to just rent them so I could watch from the beginning instead of getting just half of it. I watched Paycheck on DVD. It was okay. I cooked a DiGorno pepperoni pizza for lunch and ate all but two slices. Then I went to work at 5:00. It was better than usual; I got to do some scanning today rather than just watch the other cashiers. Many of the customers said they were in a hurry to get home because they had heard tornado warnings on the radio. A couple employees said their cars had been pounded with hail but had it covered with insurance. At break time several people went outside and looked up (not the brightest thing to do if there is a tornado) the sky looked really bizarre but it was not windy. Supposedly there had actually been a funnel somewhere but it was miles away in one of those towns with like thirty people. The managers disappeared every now and then to glance at the weather-guy on TV. I don't know why though, if there was a tornado there was nothing they could do about it. No basement to seek cover in, and no way you'd want to drive home at a time like that. I actually wish there was one. I'm arrogant enough to assume I would survive, and then if the store were destroyed I'd loot the place and never have to work again. When my shift ended at 10:00 my dad picked me up and I went home, watched the Daily Show, Tough Crowd and the X-Files then I went to sleep.

"Perhaps I know why it is man alone who laughs: He alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Ah, le week-end

Free day, no home work. So I spent most of it watching movies or sleeping. I had to go to an employee meeting at Best Buy at 8:00 but besides that I had nothing else that needed to be done, I went to see the movie Troy while Mom and Elle went to Shrek 2.

TROY 7x(_Y_) [ or you can make 'em like (_)_) ]

In my not-so-humble opinion Troy fluctuated between times of intense interest and borderline boredom. It’s definitely not one of my favorites but it certainly wasn’t bad either. I think Homer would have been impressed (No, not Simpson you shit head). My favorite character was prince Hector, played by Eric Bana and I didn’t really care for the rest. Helen was horrendous ho, Achilles was an a-hole and a douchebag, Paris (what the fuck kind of name is that? Couldn’t stop thinking about Hilton) was a pussy. Historians and archaeologists hate it. They say it is riddled with historical inaccuracies such as the coin placing on the eyes and some of Helen’s Jewry. I doubt most audiences will care though. I think the masses will come regardless; ladies to ogle Brad’s buns o’ steel and funny shaped head; guys expecting to see another Gladiator (probably not to see Diane Kruger, but compared to the other ladies in the film I could see why the Greeks would have been smitten with her)This movie kicks ass, but only seven out of ten.

28 Days Later 8x(_Y_)

Wow. I loved this movie. I am tempted to say it is like an English version of Dawn of the Dead, but 28 Days Later came out first and really, though both movies deal with survivors battling hordes of undead zombies (or infected freaks, I like 28's explanation) both films have a totally different feel. I loved the images of London and the countryside on the way to Manchester, I thought the ending was better than Dawn of The dead because as opposed to killing off the finals characters on a boat in lake Michigan they are rescued (perhaps?) by the British air force. The ending was the only part I preferred though, Dawn of the Dead as a whole was probably better. I meant to see it in theaters but was too busy and had to wait for it to come out on DVD. I thought it was great, if you haven’t seen it you need to. 28 Days Later kicks 8 asses.

"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Saturday, May 22, 2004

The Graduate

At 6:00 today I left to go to my Brother’s college graduation in Manhattan with my Mom. You don’t wanna drive anywhere with Mom. Because if you do, you’re stuck in a small place with a woman will NEVER stop nagging. Anyway I endured this and at times was able to appreciate the scenery, and something I’m never conscious during which to see; sunrise. Once there we found seats next to a friend of my Mom. We sat high up but the zoom lens on my camera captured the podium well. They went through the list of graduates which was extremely long. I took Derrick’s picture then we left. I saw Dad there, I half-expected he and my Mom to fight or something but they were both civilized enough not to do that. Later the four of us went to a restaurant, one of the few ones in such a small town. The food was decent. We dropped Derrick back off at his apartment then headed home.

After we got back home I got ready to usher for my school graduation. I changed into the tuxedo that was provided. It fit pretty well, my only complaint is the shoes which were slippery. The high school graduations held in the Expo just like the rehearsal was last time. The arena was large but not as big as the college one Derrick went to. The Expo was located right next to the plaza hotel. Someone put soap in their fountain because bubbles were overflowing from it. Everything went as planned. It wasn’t difficult, and went smoothly. The high school graduation proceeded in much the way the one I had attended earlier today had. The list was shorter but it felt longer because I had to stand the whole time. I saw Selma and she smiled and waved. I mouthed “hi” to her from across the arena. I wanted to go ask her out then but I was busy and she was with her friends. The tall one, Trish I knew relatively well. She was friendly and if it had just been her I wouldn’t have cared; but the short one was really mean and I was convinced she would do something to ruin things for me. The speech one of the former grads gave was decent, so was the one by the class president. I still liked the one’s at Derricks graduation better. Both events were kind of stupid, it would have been easier to just mail everyone their diploma. I saw a guy high up on one of the catwalks reaching to take something out of a case. I was a little nervous because at first I wondered if it could be a gun or something. Then I saw light glinting off the lens and knew it was a camera, though I suppose it could have also been the scope on a sniper rifle. When the ceremony was over I picked up a program and went home.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look
around once in awhile, you could miss it." - ferris bueller

Friday, May 21, 2004

Free At Last!

I arrived at school at the usual 8:00 am. Didn’t have to though, School didn’t officially start until 9:30 today. It was assumed that everyone had already taken their second hour finals so there was really no reason to come unless you were there to make one up. Remember the sick day yesterday? Yeah, so now you know why I was there. Just one problem, Mme Walsh was not in her classroom. It was locked and dark. I waited around for a few minutes and when she didn’t show, sat down to read over the subjunctive stuff again for some last minute studying. Soon that “last minute” passed and I stood up and left, I had about hour and no better way to spend it.

I wandered around for a while until I found Nickel sitting in the hallway listening to Spike play her guitar. I smiled at the memory of Spike getting the crap beat out of him, though it was a shame really. He seemed like a cool guy to me. Nickel would listen then try to guess what song Spike was playing. She didn’t know most of them but I thought it was easy, the majority of the songs he played were by Jet. Nickel’s friends came the sexy-but-geeky-girl and the stupid-chunky-loudmouth-girl. Nickel and I studied for our English final with them. After I finished going over the stories I need to know and understand I left and returned to wandering the halls aimlessly. That’s when I heard a loud voice coming from the cafeteria, I looked in and saw all the teacher eating brunch and listening to the Principal read a speech. In one of the middle lunch tables was none other than Mme Walsh. I was pissed. My Mom had e-mailed her telling her I was sick, and wasn’t this the time for the make up final?! I left angrily and asked the Carrot-Top-School-Cop what was going on. He said that if we no students scheduled a make up final with the teacher they were free to attend brunch. I didn’t mind having to get up an hour later though, it allowed me the time I needed to study for the finals which I think I did great on. However, I still needed to take the French final exam eventually. I walked to Wal-Greens and bought some Triscuits and Easy Cheese that were on sale, then used my buy one get one free cap on some Mountain Dew: Live Wire. I returned to school with my snacks and waited for her to leave the cafeteria so I could schedule a new time to take the French final. There was a second make up final time set for 2:00 but she refused to do it then because she wanted to go to the graduation rehearsal (Oh yeah I needed to go also!) So I came up with an idea, Coach said that the only thing we would have to do for weight lifting is show up. I could make an appearance, then leave and come to French and take the final. Mme Walsh agreed, so she signed a pass for me and I left.

I took the English final which was easy, many complained that they were not prepared to take it because Mrs. Harris did not tell students they needed to read all stories. I think this is true, and because this is her last year teaching Mrs. Harris has been somewhat apathetic. Cassie whined about how she didn’t want to be in class with Mrs. Harris because yesterday she told Cassie to “drop dead” She cheered up when I reluctantly agreed to share my food with her and half the class. After that I went to Weight Lifting, said high, signed in then left and went to French. Took the final, which was very difficult even with my illegal cheat sheet. Mme Walsh eats a lot of candy and she gave me many of the leftovers. I handed in my test, said goodbye and then left to turn in my textbook form.

At the end of every school year we turn in our books to teachers, and they sign this sheet of carbon paper, if all your teachers sign saying that you have returned the book in good condition you get 10$ If you turn in your locker lock you get $2.00. I tired to slip my sheet in without the division principal noticing but he saw that two of my teacher spaces were unsigned. They were both from classes I had last semester. $10.00 isn’t that big of a deal but it was free and I wanted it, I weaved in and out the hallways crowed with 3,000+ students, piles of trash and stacks of notebooks. Each teacher lived on opposite sides of the building on opposite floors so I would need to be quick before they left and went home. On the way I tried to drop off my lock but they said they were out of money and I decided to come back later. (good thing too, I think some of those people who had been waiting in line were going to riot if they didn’t get their measly $2.00) I found my teachers made them sign and took off again, on my way to claim my $10.00 someone dropped a giant water balloon off the third floor and it broke right in front of me. The Carrot-Top-School-Cop was on his way up to find the perpetrator when someone else threw a water balloon at him. I laughed because this was funny, and because I heard another cop say “10-4” over the radio…I didn’t know people actually said “10-4” My mom was unable to pick me up so she sent Marty to get me, she told me she didn’t want me to stay after school any longer than necessary to with “those people”

Marty picked me up, I got a vanilla shake from McDonalds and then I went over to the Exposition Center for the graduation rehearsal. I met with the other usher in the center of a vast arena with a concrete floor. I had been there only twice before to see a boat and car show with my Dad as well as the Sesame Street Live performances when I was a little kid. The center was used for the circus, concerts, and for gun shows; now it was decorated for the graduation. With large white bulbed “Christmas lights” crisscrossing the large ceiling and several rows of chairs with a stage in front and surrounded by stadium seating. We practiced the graduation procedure with the class of 2004, faculty members, and daisy chain. We practiiced this routine until 3:30 pm and then finally I went home, I wouldn't return to school for another three months; but for some reason it was hard to accept. Since September I've scheduled everythingI wanted to do around classes and homework now I was free do do what I wanted when I wanted. I had my own transportation and plenty of money. it was the best feeling in the world.

Re: the daisies

Me - "So why did you want to lead them so badly?"
Usher Guy - "Because they're all hot girls who will still be here next year."
Me - "That's what I thought, I just wanted to see if you were thinking the same thing as me."
Usher Guy - "Dude, I would tear DC up....well maybe not her." *points*
Me - "More like daisy train then."
Usher Guy - *laughs*

Paranoid:Very High
Schizoid:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Mrs. Harris - "I can't believe you're a senior already!"
Me - "Yeah, it seems like only yesterday I was throwing books out your window."

"The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Thursday, May 20, 2004

2 days left

I woke up around 1:30 this morning from an unusually intense nightmare. My dreams are almost always boring, monochromatic, or just so strange and cryptic you can never interpret anything from them, assuming there is anything to be interpreted. In my dream I entered my English classroom and found it empty except for one guy. I don't know his name but on Tuesday he had tried to sell me some coin for $10.00. He was really annoying and creepy looking and about as persistent as the sales commissioned sales people at Radio Shack. I finally told him to get lost, I do collect coins but the one he was trying to push on me looked as if it came with Frosted Flakes I could hardly tell if it was metal or plastic. Anyway the guy was the only one in the classroom and we got involved in some argument pertaining to seating arrangement; he was wasting my time, arguing only for the sake of arguing. Banter, he thought this was funny, maybe it was his way of being friendly, either way it was stupid and I told him this. Realizing that I truly bothered he decided to bug me further, he called me something even I'm uncomfortable repeating and I almost killed him. Milliseconds before a fight I always get that over-tensed-spastic feeling. I was about to strike him when I woke up, I screamed angrily almost like some deranged battle cry. Once I realized I was awake I panicked because my body actually felt the way it had in the dream and I had a terrible skull splitting headache, it felt like someone was driving an ice pick into it. I had a relative who died in her sleep when she had an aneurysm, I actually wondered if that was what happened. I explained to Mom why I had been screaming then forced myself to go back to bed because I had finals today and needed rest. Who would have thought a dream could actually give you a surge of adrenaline when you are awake?

When I finally woke up again it was 9:00 I had missed my French final which was okay because there is a make up time tomorrow. Mom had let me sleep in, good because I needed more time to study for that one anyway. I showered dressed and went to school. Took my Physics final, she always writes all of the scores up on the board to compare them to each class. There were two 90+s in mine and the rest were 80 or 70-somethings. There was one 54, I was afraid I had gotten that 54; but I actually got 84. I felt really bad for whoever got the F, I think I know who just by his body language. I talked with Molly about Dogma and some other things then I went to see Mr. T to ask him to sign my textbook turn in sheet. (if all your teachers sign it you get money back at the end of school) I didn't find him in his room so I went next door knowing that he spends time with Mrs. Hayes when they are not teaching. I found them both in her room, with the door closed and the lights off. I entered and asked if I was interrupting anything. I was only half joking, it did look dubious. They laughed anyway and Mr. T signed my paper. I said goodbye to Rob, Selma, and Rachel then went home.

I started taking the kidney medication today, so far no side effects but it did say something about impairing my ability to operate machinery or drive a vehicle. It said use care until I become familiar with it; shouldn't be a problem since my car is in for more repairs. Time to go study.

"It takes two to speak the truth: one to speak, and another to hear." -Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The Countdown Begins!

--------------------3 Days Till End Of School Year---------------------

Today was more of the same stay up late studying or working or both bullshit that I’ll have to put up with all week. I took my Creative Writing final today, it was interesting. We were shown a set of pictures and had to invent histories, characters, locations, or conflict behind them we also answered some questions about each. After we finished taking the test and having them graded Mrs. Vaughn gave the class an opportunity to share their work. She really liked some of my work, she said she thought it would be neat if Dean and I worked together to write a story. I thought that was strange because teachers generally don’t pick favorites like that. I skipped Physics, but not on purpose I got back from lunch late and didn’t feel like going in because the teacher always complains when I do. I should have gone anyway because I found out there was a review for the final today and because the school calls home every time you don’t come to class. I was going to get one of the CDs Ty made but I forgot to pick it up, maybe I can get it later.

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche

“War, what is it good for?”
“Killing people.”

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

To Be Updated At A Later Time

First, as a warm up, using the letters G-A-R-D-E-N reveal six things about yourself.
G- Graves
A- aloof
R- randy
D- dazed
E- eclectic
N- nihilistic
Respond with the first word, words, phrase or insane idea that pops into your head!
1. hoe - *laughs*
2. lips - chap stick
3. butter - movies
4. pie - *continues laughing*
5. groovy - tires
6. hook - Fishing
7. believe - ...Cher?
8. fountain - water
9. bush - *laughs harder*, I said "hard"
10. sprout - Jack, oh wait that's stalk...oh well "first word"

The saying goes “April showers bring May flowers” but it’s May now and we are getting more rain then I’ve seen in a while. One of the school’s parking lot was mostly flooded but I chose to park there anyway and had to wade through water to get to school. Ty tried to cover his head with a towel but it quickly got wet. He told me he got a job at the movie theaters in the mall, I had applied there but didn’t get hired. Maybe I will again, I could use two jobs really, what little hours Best Buy gives me won’t be enough to make the money I need. I took my keyboarding final, I had an 87% prior to it and I think I did well on the final so hopefully that will leave me with an A in the class. I worked from 4:30pm to 10:00pm today but I think that is the only time I am scheduled to work this week. After that I got a cherry limeade from Sonic then went home, not much else to say.

Monday, May 17, 2004


I The Swan is perhaps the stupidest show ever created, who the hell let this get on TV? It would be better if it were more like a documentary instead of a strange reality show.

“One of the drawbacks of being a martyr is that you have to die.” - Dogma

"I could eat the heart out of a dead rhinoceros!" - Apollo 13

And then......

Today I went to school and then I came up with a great plan. I believe I mentioned Ms. Bonner in an earlier post. She is that pain in the ass teacher with OCD. Anyway, this one guy got in trouble with her today because he kept pushing shift and making these beeping noises. She called him childish, deducted 50 points and numerous other things (I was eavesdropping of course, very entertaining) but that is not my point. She is one of those teachers who do not handle a crisis very well. Which assuming you get away with hit, can make for a lot of fun. It was during her lecturing of this kid that I noticed she had four portable air conditioning units surrounding her desk and a fan underneath it, they were all set to 70 degrees. They're pretty small I think it would be hilarious to take one. It's just about the right size to fit in my duffel bag that I use for weight training but it looks kind of heavy. I think maybe I could convince Brendan to cause a distraction, like fake a fight or something. He told me he would laugh if I took the AC. Or I could hide in the room when she left for lunch then throw it out the window and climb out later. It would be so fun, just imagine all the things you can do with AC. I could smash it in the street with a sledgehammer, throw it in the swimming pool, and sell it on e-bay. Hey, I could even use it as it was intended, put it right next to my bed and turn it on full blast until frost starts to crystallize on my stubble. I talked to Derrick today; he said that now that I have a new car I should trash my old one even more so that I could put it on that show Pimp My Ride. He suggested I rip out the seat and replace it with a folding chair and bash out the windows with bricks. Ah, English. It's now one of favorite classes because Selma is in it. She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Seriously, there are a lot of hotties at my school but she’s different it's like comparing the women in those cheap porno magazines at gas stations to the breathtaking marble statues we used to laugh at in the museum. But that's actually not first attracted me to her, she is the only one in class who asks really good questions or makes interesting comments. Ones that I would have made myself or am totally surprised by, it was not soon after this I started to notice how cute she was to. So eventually I'm going to ask her out. Eventually. About half the girls I've asked out said no, and the ones that said yes I really wasn't interested in but I knew they were into me so I'm really not sure how to go about it without the same thing happening again. We watched President Bush give a speech on TV which was strange because it was in our hometown, every other time you seem him you think, oh D.C. but this time he was right down the street. Most people seemed thrilled to see JK there, probably a sign of things to come. There were other celebrities and politicians there as well. Many students skipped class to go attend, I didn't go; it actually seemed kind of dull. Not everyone agreed though as this dialogue will show.
Mrs. Hahn: Should I turn this off or do you want keep watching?
Me: Yes.
Tori: No.
Me: Well she said we were going to read those sections covered on the final today so-
Dayle: Can we watch something else?
Mrs. Hahn: *goes to the weather briefly than goes back*
Learned an interesting fact today, live TV isn't really live it's delayed by 5 minutes. According to Todd anyway. If that's true what were the guys at the Super bowl doing during that 5 minutes when Janet's boob popped out to say hi?
I called Jen to confirm my work schedule for this week, someone was supposed to call and let me know in advance but no one did. I have to work Tuesday and Saturday but not very long, hopefully I'll get my shirt by then. Well I've got work to do so I guess I'll end the post here. HERE.

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Sunday, May 16, 2004


Something something something something and something.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Creative Post Title

In the news

Today I worked from 10:00 to 12:00. I was scheduled to work to 5:30 pm but I was just going to do more training and no one was available to work with me. The store was swamped with customers because Saturday is their busiest day of the week. I set up the same schedule next week as the one I had before. That may pose a problem with the studying I need to do for finals. Next week is going to be a little rough time-wise but I think I can pull it off. Went to Sheridan’s today. I love their ice cream, and it’s always better with a waffle cone; minus the incessant dripping. Their hot dogs are great too. Not much else to say, I came home and fell asleep after work, pathetic huh? I’m almost late for a 10:00 am job then when I get home only two hours later I pass out in bed. I guess my schedule needs tweaking, no more late nights (actually early mornings) I had a “terrible nightmare” Meg won the lottery and shared her millions with everyone she ran into but ran out of cash when she saw me. Wow, I guess that heart color test was right, I’m jealous. My nightmares consist of everyone having something I don’t. There was more to it then that but I can’t remember, I do remember when I woke up I was facing the opposite side of my bed. Explain how that happened. I got a check back from the government for $54.00; I don’t know something to do with taxes. So that eases any money woes I might have a little. I’ll probably spend the rest of the day watching TV and movies on cable, S.N.L., Emeril, Mission to Mars, Lolita, X-Files, Seinfiled, Penn & Teller, King of The Hill, Minority report, Harry Potter, WWE. In other words plenty of stuff on the tube (or chip rather). Till tomorrow not much else to say, see ya.

"Every man ought to be inquisitive through every hour of his great adventure down to the day when he shall no longer cast a shadow in the sun. For if he dies without a question in his heart, what excuse is there for his continuance?"
-Frank Moore Colby, The Colby Essays

Friday, May 14, 2004

Untitled Post # 1

Ever heard that old song Horse With No Name? I don’t know why but it has been stuck in my head all day ever since I read that article in Entertainment Weekly about being the song with the worst lyrics. I do like it, however

… On the first part of the journey
I was looking at all the life
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz
And the sky with no clouds
The heat was hot and the ground was dry
But the air was full of sound

I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
’cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain
La, la ...

After two days in the desert sun
My skin began to turn red
After three days in the desert fun
I was looking at a river bed
And the story it told of a river that flowed
Made me sad to think it was dead

You see I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
’cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain
La, la ...

After nine days I let the horse run free
’cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with it’s life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love

You see I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
’cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain
La, la la la, la la la la. La. La la, la la laaaaa

I put off doing my Creative Writing assignment to help Liz collect sample of plants and animals for her biology class. It was a fun little scientific excursion until it began getting really cold and dark. We went over to the governor mansion and pond to search for them. Hopefully this project counts as her final because it turns out she doesn’t know anything about biology, I was constantly having to educate her on stuff, and when I was a freshman I never even took that class (It’s just kiddy science really, I took it during summer school and got in A in it with no problem, the dissection was not so enjoyable though) It’s a shame her grades a re better than mine. It’s not because she knows anything, my stepsister is about one of the dumbest people I know. It’s just because she works really hard. After an assignment has been turned in and she has credit she must just forget everything. Isn’t that what happens when you’re extrinsically motivated?
Last night it poured rain again. Rocky began barking continually, maybe he was afraid of the storm or maybe someone had just forgotten to feed him because as soon I let him out he ran over to hi dishes and ate all his food and water, something he rarely ever does.

What are my feelings on Iraq? Iraq is like my mother; it is always looking for something to bitch about. Never satisfied. I guess that’s a good thing, if you get to comfortable in any situation you stop changing things and things need to change to improve. It does get annoying though, first they complained about Saddam now it’s us they want gone. I have to believe Saddam was much worse though, the whole prison abuse thing sure didn’t help America’s image over there. A shame really, one incident should affect the way you view an entire people though I believe that is what most people do. Whenever I see Middle Eastern people I don’t expect them to be terrorists. I never have and whenever someone mentions something like that even jokingly I’m shocked, a little confused and I’ll admit, slightly amused. I think we should establish a set date when to finish things up. It’s a drain on our money, and it risks the lives of our soldiers. If by the time most Iraqis still want us go I say leave. Most people think the only reason soldiers are there is because Bush wants to be like Dad. It may be, but I like to think it’s because the nation cares about other people’s freedom even if it is not their own. Perhaps this is naïve. Dan told me at the music store that he read an article about the Mexican air force chasing UFOs. This seems really interesting but I haven’t had the chance to read about this yet. I remember thoroughly researching the topic of UFOs for a project in school. I think there are probably aliens somewhere in the universe given its size, and many scientists agree. However, I’m not sure if we’d ever make contact. I’m suspicious about the claims that aliens have already visited us. Remember UFO doesn’t stand for flying alien sauce it stands for unidentified flying object. That could be just about anything. One flying object bound for space is SpaceShipOne a privately owned craft being tested by a company to take paying citizens to space and win the X-Prize. I’m watching this carefully because I’ve always loved airplanes and similar vehicles (the space craft Scaled Composites is using looks really strange but cool). Kansas is going to have it’s own quarter! Coin collecting is another interest of mine, every state will have it’s own quarter depicting a symbol on the back that commemorates each of the 50. You can vote on one of three images for the back of the coin by going to certain website. I chose the one with the Native American shooting the arrow. Today was the seniors last day of high school. I’ll be sad to see a few leave but most I’m glad I will never see again. They’re an annoying group of people that remind me of a bunch of stupid kindergarten girls, this includes the males of the class. I guess they’re just giddy about graduation or college or whatever their future holds, but I’m not; and I wish they shut the hell up about it. We got our yearbooks today; they keep getting skinnier each year I’ve noticed. It’s kind of nice but probably not worth the money I paid for it. I signed a few and a few people signed me then we watched a documentary about a discrimination experiment based on eye color conducted by a teacher in the 1960s. I had already read several books mentioning this experiment and briefly learned about it in Psychology Freshman year so I slipped out and went home early, there was no reason for me to stay if I had completed all my work so I tried a piece of cheesecake (not so great) then left.

"I wish they would only take me as I am." - Vincent Van Gogh, Dear Theo: Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Post No. 222

Last night there was a storm. Lot of lightning, rain, and wind. This morning when I woke up I found lots of trees in the yard and it was very cold. I probably haven't been this cold since winter, it felt even worse because I was wearing one of my gray T-shirts and because I am pressed for time every morning I didn't bother going back to get a coat or something. School starts at 8:00 am and I usually get up at 7:10, 6:50 at the very earliest; school is about ten minutes away and it is often difficult to find parking. Despite this, I always sleep in the maximum time possible. An extra five or ten minutes probably isn't that significant but for some reason I feel as if it is. I took a quiz in French over subjunctives and watched parts of a subtitled movie. After class attended half of an assembly honoring seniors who were also teacher's pets. When I grew tired of this I left and went to Schlotzsky's. The ROTC teacher stopped me and asked me if I had a pass to leave early, I showed him one of my counterfeits and he glanced briefly at it then let me leave. I wish he had checked it more carefully though, since I put work into making them. After my meal at Schlotzsky's. I reached the conclusion that I probably should have gone to Quizno's instead. Around this time it started pouring rain again. When I got back to school I thought I was going to be late but the assembly ran over it's allotted time by nearly half an hour so I just sat outside the classroom waiting for the auditorium to empty and class to begin. Molly and Meg were there too. They had skipped the assembly entirely and arrived back in time for class to begin only to find that the door was locked and the hallways which were normally packed with people were mostly empty except for a few others who had skipped and come back. One of the "teachers" (the district employs some people, uneducated antisocial old women, to perform odd jobs and tasks for the school but teach no classes) shouted at us all to go down to first floor and wait for the assembly to let out or she would call security; so we left. People started leaving as soon as we went down so we turned around and went right back up again. I took a test in physics, I made a small cheat sheet with a few formulas on it and stuck it in my calculator. Turns out I didn't really need it though, the test was very easy it covered potential difference, power, charge, and resistance. All stuff I new quite well. I laughed because Carm got caught writing on the desk with a pencil. In U.S. history I took notes on the 1960's and finished watching We Were Soldiers. We probably should have watched Platoon instead. My Mom picked me from school today since I didn't drive, she told me that the doctor had prescribed a small dosage of some pills for me that would supposedly help prevent kidney failure. Well that's about it. The events of my day were mostly boring but today, I like boring.

"Don't be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life so." - Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

All Bad Things!

I heard somewhere that all good things must come to and end. I think the reverse is also true. All bad things also come to and end, and I just know one of you guys are going “but Nathan, what about life!” That brings me to my next saying. “Life’s a bitch then you die; so fuck the world, and go get high.” So any further questions? I didn’t think so, as for the getting high part I’ll leave that up to you but to be honest if life is such a bitch you may have trouble getting high off it (high on life, get it?) so you might want to opt for the weed when someone passes it your way. Anyway today sucked ass but turned out cool in the end, it was dark and cloudy; the kind of conditions where if you look out your window your first thoughts are Hey, today is going to be nipply. At least in the winter, but now its spring, the weather is getting warmer and different rules apply. Though dense clouds shrouded the sun; it was in no way cold. Today was hotter than J-lo’s ass on a sauna bench and probably just as moist. Great now I have to listen to dorks all day go “it’s not the heat it’s the humidity.”

Keyboarding was fine. English was okay for the first half, until I dropped my pen. I bent over to pick it up and there on the ground was a dull 1964-penny. I think I remember the guy who teachers me guitar saying once that any penny 1967 and before (as well as something called a pence) could be used as a guitar pick. Well I was short on picks so I picked it up as well as my blue Pilot. Once I popped up I noticed Cassie glaring at me.
“You’re a pervert.”
“ . . . Huh?”
“You were looking up my skirt.”
“No, I was getting my pen and this penny, seriously if I wanted to peek up your skirt I would have done it more inconspicuously.”
“You have a lot of experience with that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, guess so.”
Later Kyle told me that although I may have not been actually looking he was, I laughed it was kind of funny. Last night while closing at work the manager told me I could keep the penny I found on the ground for vacuuming. She told me that if I found it heads up then it was considered lucky. I did, but the penny I found today was heads down. Who knows, maybe that how all this other bullshit started? I was going to go to weights but I forgot my clothes to work out in so I decided tot just take an early lunch.

I read popular science in my car then went to Burger King. I ordered a bacon cheeseburger, veggie-less and chicken tenders Mmm animal parts. When I got to the window the bucktoothed fat lady their said I owed $19.99. There was no way it costs $19.99 the lady must have gotten the order mixed-up, but I had sympathy because she probably a new employee and this was something I could understand myself. When I questioned the price she slapped her forehead and apologized then went back and got me my food and charged me $3.00. I gave her the money and left. I’m not a big fan of vegetables but I will eat them, but there is one kind I just won’t eat, and to be honest you could hardly consider this a vegetable. PICKLES! I hate pickles! There were more pickles than I have ever seen on one burger before and I know I specifically said plain. I knew that if I brought it back they would exchange it but I needed to get to school before I was late to Creative Writing.

I was late anyway. When I arrived I saw Meg through the class window and she smiled and waved nicely, weird seeing as how she doesn’t have any of the same classes as me. I came in and Meg told me she was here with Ty and some other guy to take pictures of seniors. In mid sentence she yelled at Dean to stop looking at her ass, but in a playful way that meant keep looking at my ass. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek and I turned forward to keep from feeling sick. Mrs. Vaughn asked us to turn in our haikus about our favorite food. I thought of the pickles and felt sick again. Then I remembered I didn’t do my homework because I worked from 3:30 – 11:30 last night because we can’t leave until all the customers go and this woman was fucking around in customer service. That was the last straw; I just got up and left. There was nothing for me to do all our since I couldn’t turn in or read my work so I decided I might as well go home.

I stopped at BK to exchange the burger. She gave me a double cheeseburger and some fries as compensation (yum, even more carbs. Atkins would be proud!) . As I was leaving I had to serve to avoid some jaywalkers who decide to c-walk (if you don’t know I’ll explain later) across the middle of street. I ended up with the front half of my car hanging over a cement curb. I couldn’t back out or drive forward because the car was balanced perfectly on its frame. I struggled with it for half and hour while the Burger King line backed up and people started honking and shouting. I was worried I’d have to call and explain to a furious father why his son was skipping class and getting his second car stuck on curbs. Luckily three guys one of which looked exactly like Jim Breuer lifted and pushed while I steered and drove off. I thanked them and left for home.

I was almost home when my day finally started to turn around. I was turning to go down 27th when I saw a voluptuous girl probably from the college near by jogging, probably to loose a few vanity pounds. As she bounced up and down the sidewalk one boob flopped out of her top. She stopped abruptly almost dropping her Walkman and tucked it back in, glanced at me who had unconsciously slowed down then took off again. It was no surprise; she was wearing tight black sweats and a matching black tank top that seamed to be the way wrong size. I guess she was so eager to match colors she forgot to find something that actually fit, or get a better bra? What was a surprise was when I caught myself grinning; Hmm, maybe Cassie was right, oh well that’s nothing to be ashamed of, I’m only human and if I absolutely must have one flaw (no it’s not modesty) being perverted isn’t so bad. I went home to enjoy my meat. (the burger - you pervert)

"When life gives you lemons, you clone them, and make super-lemons." - Scudworth

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

The New Guy

Damn, I'm way too tired. Update tomarrow. promise.

Well it's "tomarrow"

Today I started my job at Best Buy. I was actually out working with customers not just watching the orientation video. I enjoyed the video but it was nice to get a start on things. I spent many hours watching the employee who was assigned to show me the e ropes as we worked the cash register. He seemed okay to me, his name was Matthew, and he reminded me of a bitter leprechaun. He is very cynical but basically a nice guy, I like him. He showed me how to process transactions with credit cards, debit cards, checks, cash and how to mark things off and such. Also taught me some of the lines to tell customers. We always try to sell them more stuff before they leave the store. Some of it they need but most they probably will not. I personally took them up on the magazines last time I was there, it’s a good offer so long as you’re not a lazy-ass and don’t cancel your subscription. Matthew, Ben and I are the only male cashiers the rest are female. They all seemed really friendly, most of them were really cute, especially Julia. On one occasion I had difficulty focusing on what buttons to push because of her. I took detailed notes though so if I do ever forget something I can always refer back to them.

"Okay, Donna?"
"and you do still live in Kansas?"
"Yes, unfortunately!"
Both: *laughing*

Monday, May 10, 2004

Post # 190

. Believe it or not the woman in the pool is just a painting. 2D.

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and
to be understood.
Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in
oneself. Has reputation.
Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's
feelings. Tactful.
Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and
unpredictable. Moody and
easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful.
Forgiving but never forgets.
Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides
others physically and
mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions
carefully. Caring and loving.
Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy.
Wary and sharp. Judges
people through observations. Hardworking. No
difficulties in studying. Loves
to be alone. Always broods about the past and the
old friends. Likes to be
quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never
looks for friends. Not
aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach
and dieting problems.
Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to

What does your birth month say about you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Green info
Your Heart is Green

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
Damn you Duff...

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Mother's Day

Today is Mother’s Day. (Hello, the title!) Liz and Elle are gone, they are with their mother. I stayed here of course with mine. We didn't do much; most of the celebrating had been done the night before with dinner at the steakhouse and the presents. Mom already knew what she was getting, Elle “whispered” it in her ear in front of everyone. I say whispered with quotation marks to indicate my cynicism really what she did was lean close to Mom’s ear and hold her hand up then spoke in a normal voice. It’s a good thing we didn’t do much else today, I spent a good portion of my day maybe 5 hours doing job orientation and watching videos at Best Buy. I arrived ten minutes early but rewind my day a little and you’d think that would have been impossible. My Mom screamed at me non-stop for about an hour as I got ready leave. She kept saying how late I would be getting there, I admit I was moving a little bit slow but there was never any danger of me being late. When I got ready to drive off I couldn’t because her car was parked in the driveway blocking mine. She told me that she would take me. Okay fine, I think I get into her car and wait for her to get in too so we can go. She disappears in the house and doesn’t come out for 15 minutes. This pisses me off because I know what she is doing. She is vacuuming or something, something she could have done while she was following me around the house screaming at me. She followed me around the house screaming at me for moving to slowly, generally when someone does this you would expect by the time you are finally ready they will be there waiting for you, perhaps tapping their foot impatiently. Nope. She goes back inside to finish what she should have done instead of pestering me. I get out of the car walk in and sure enough she is emptying every trash can in the house into one big bag getting ready to take it out. Something that can easily wait until AFTER we get back and time is on our side again. I tell her if she wants to do this then she should at least move her car so I can get out because I have to leave now. She says no she’ll take me and after what feels like millennia of waiting she finally walks out to the car and we drive off. But not so fast. To save time I brought my med with me to take in the car, it’s just as easy to do in the car as it is in the house. Mom has even seen me do this before but when she finds out I’ve left the house without being properly medicated first she turns around and goes back to the house so I can stand in the middle of the kitchen and do it instead of on the way to work. Naturally this results in the two of us screaming at the top of our lungs at each other the “f-word” gets tossed around to the point it becomes cliché. Finally she shuts up and I remind of the numerous occasions I’ve treated myself in a moving vehicle and she reluctantly admits she was wrong (non-verbally of course) and turns around again heading back to work. This happens daily, before I drove my self to school it was my morning headache. She always blamed me for making her late to work. I got up several times, earlier then she did so I would be ready to leave first, then I sat and waited. She emptied the trash re-brushed her hair, changed clothes again, watched the news, and all sorts of other bullshit and then finally we left. At the SAME time we always leave, how hypocritical is that? You yell at me for being late and then I always have to fit for you?! Because she had no one to blame her lateness on these times, the ride to school was joyfully quiet (excluding the run-on blabbering about how everyone at her office was incompetent). It’s so fucking annoying, and don’t ever get Liz and Mom in the car together or they’ll do the same shit back and forth non-stop. Is it so much to ask to just listen to radio or silence? Anyway, orientation went by fine except for a few embarrassing screw ups on some beaurocratic-bull-shit forms; and Mother’s Day came to a weary end for me. By Monday I had forgotten there had even been a Sunday, it just seemed to pass so quickly.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

3 Day Delay

Today began for me around noon, as it typically does on weekends. I did random things, which I can hardly remember to kill time and then when everyone else was ready we went shopping for Mother’s Day gifts. Our first stop was Target, I love tat store, it’s so much cleaner than Wal-Mart and it smells like popcorn. Plus I think I mentioned in an earlier post all the lovely ladies that apparently also enjoy that store. I bought mom some yellow roses, a pink vase, and a card. I was going to get red but she told me yellow was her favorite color of flowers so those are the ones I got. Liz got her mom a card, and tried to find a birdhouse (as part of some inside joke between her and her mother) but was unable to locate one to her liking, So we left and went to Lowe’s, lots of cool appliances and hardware there; a real Do-it-your-selfer’s paradise. Liz didn’t find that special birdhouse for her mom though we did see a number of other birdhouses and bar-b-q grills. I think someone should make a combination bird feeder and gas or charcoal grill. It would trap your food and then automatically cook it, I’m just not sure how it would handle the legs, beak, feathers and organs I’m half-joking actually, a robin or a blue jay probably wouldn’t make as delicious a meal as a chicken or turkey. After that Liz finally found the birdhouse she wanted at Orschelenn’s Farm & Home store and later my mom met up with us at the Longhorn Steak House. We had to wait outside for 2+ hours until we could be seated, due to all the people there. It wasn’t a bad wait though, it was warm outside with a nice breeze and we could see the sun set. Plus they gave out free peanuts! The street the restaurant is located on is also great for people watching, we saw all types: cowboys, Goths, racers, bikers and an out of state soccer team that was having a dinner party. We also got to see many different formal dresses and tuxedos because some high school was having their prom and a lot of people brought their dates to eat here. I thought all the school had their proms already so I suspect these were people from smaller towns in the vicinity of 30 miles who had come to town as they often do. I had some kind of Southwestern pasta with grilled chicken for dinner, Mom had pasta with vegetables I think she is trying to do the low-carb thing and Liz had chicken fried steak. Elle had a kid’s meal corn dog and fries, which she complained about be too hungry to wait for and when it arrived, hardly ate. *sigh* kids. I don’t know what Marty had. After that I went home watched TV and fell asleep thankfully.
"Mmm. Granulated."

Friday, May 07, 2004


Today, like most Fridays, was Friday-ish. My Mom picked me up from school today since my car is having numerous things done to it. God that pisses me off, don’t ever allow yourself to end up in a situation where you spend more repairing or doing maintenance on a vehicle where the total cost turns out to be worth more than the car itself. I think the blue book value is only like $3,000. My Dad thought he was supposed to pick me up from school today, as he generally does. I forgot to call him and tell him that there was going to be a change in schedule so of course I received a colorful voice message from him half an hour after 3:00. Actually it wasn’t a message so much as a run on sentence contenting the foulest of obscenities and seconds of snarling. Okay, I get it. So you didn’t want to leave the office, fine; but it’s a little difficult to sympathize when I have to hold the cellophane away from my ear while a man-bear roars out of the earpiece. Maybe I should just take the bus home like Jon, everyone says our public transportation is used only by roughnecks and some seriously ghetto folk but if a gawky guy like Jon survives it on a daily basis how bad could it be? Mom once told me that when she was riding the bus it came too close to a row of a car parked along the street and took off six rearview mirrors and just kept speeding away.

I’m sure everyone finds that really fascinating but I usually just post the events of the day for my records as opposed to just ranting so here they are.
1. Keyboarding – What else, I “keyed” all hour.
2. Junior English – Finished watching Fried Green Tomatoes, I may have mentioned this before but it is the end of the year so basically all we do now is watch movies. Filmophile that I am, I have no problem with this. I think Fried Green Tomatoes had a few good lines and interesting parts but overall it was kind of dull.
3. Weight Lifting – Heh…. Mr. Adams is substituting again because Coach is gone for track. You really have to be there in class for me to explain just how odd this teacher is.
4. In Creative Writing we finished our journals and turned in homework. After that we were given the choice to watch one of three movies (big surprise). The choices were As Good As It Gets, The Parent Trap 2, and a tape of Saturday Night Live. Only 9 people came to class that day. At the end of each school year the seniors secretly agree to take off one day. Today was that day. So of the 9 people who did attend class today 5 voted for the Parent Trap 2, 3 voted for SNL and 1 voted for As Good As It Gets. I was the one, of course. It is no wonder Hollywood makes so many shitty movies. Look at the audience they are marketing to! At the beginning of class I had asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher told me to make it quick, so to save time I decided only to urinate. After half of the movie I decided to return to he bathroom again to finish what I started. Mrs. Vaughn must have caught on that I didn’t like the movie because she spent the rest of the hour using me to deliver stuff to other teachers. I took a stack of ungraded test to Patrick’s Mom who happens to work at the school. It must be strange to have your mom teach at the school you go to. I know I think it’s weird she works there, not because she's the mother of my friend but because I suspect she has an older woman crush on me and it’s a little strange. I also delivered a painting to the art room. I never realized my high school had such talented art students or such a large gallery for displaying their work. I haven’t returned to the art section of my school since the Freshman tour three years ago. It’s kind of a shame, really.

I went to Van Helsing tonight, great special effects + incredibly sexy woman = somewhat weak plot. The plot seemed more like something thrown in at the last minute to hold all the other stuff together. It must seem as if I’m a hypocrite, at times I criticize character driven plots and at others complain that movies lack enough action to hold my attention. Rarely do I find a movie that has a good balance of the two characteristics. Still, Van Helsing is a fun movie to see, you’ll enjoy it with friends or family. Probably not something I’d take Elle to though, it’s not for 6-year-old girls.

"Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance." - Oscar Wilde

Thursday, May 06, 2004


Who here has seen Freddie Got Fingered. It's a horrible movie according to most people, even Tom Green fans; but I liked it. Why? I think because it's something I strongly related to. As a some what immature guy who is always being told by his parents to get off his ass and get a job like his brother. I applied for so many jobs I've lost count, my parents filled out a few applications for me and when they tried to train me to act professionally for interviews they'd always get mad because I made faces and strange sounds. Now however it seems all those hours I spent crossing and re-crossing errors out on job applications paid off. I got a job! I got a jobby JOB HA HA HA! Best Buyy was kind enough to hire me as part of their highly competitive and highly motivated team. What can I say, I guess I have people skills. The first two times I applied there they didn't think so but if at first you don't succeed try, try again! I'll take the drug test tomorrow and have orientation this weekend. It pays two dollars more per hour than my first short lived job did. I'll try my best not to screw this up! It’s going to be great to have some income coming in (heh, that sounded funny) I’ll have funds for fun (so did that) and enough to start saving money for college (that wasn’t so funny sounding). Jon is applying for a job too, I suggested we pretend to be references for each other but he wasn’t interested. I wonder if Barnes & Noble will be as interested in him as Best Buy was with me without a guy posing as an important reference. As soon as I finished my three consecutive interviews for B.B. Food 4 Less also contacted me. Why is it that when I can’t find a job for almost a year no one is interested but as soon as one person contacts me everyone else seems suddenly interested. I guess jobs are like women, they’re only interested in you if you are currently spoken for.

"Money is the most egalitarian force in society. It confers power on whoever holds it." - Roger Starr

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

What If...

...I could think of a title? Sorry. Can't. Today was okay, we had music day in creative writing, everyone brought in their favorite song and played it; then the students were supposed to write what imagery they got from it. I always wondered why we have so many country music stations around here because no one I know listens to it. Turns out they are all hiding in class with me. It was either that or Dean's posse and their classic rock stuff. Forgot mine, it wouldn't have been a problem because I could always find the song on the internet but the teacher's computers are being strangled by spy ware. Jeez, it's like some one doesn't like her...*smirk*. The spring fling was today too. It is when my school has bands come play music on the lawn, mall, grassy area with lots of trees in front of the tower what ever the hell you want to call it. The principle (sorry princiPAL cuz he's muh pal) serves free grilled hot dogs and pop. We can also sign up for clubs and roll around in a human version of a hamster ball attempting to topple bowling pins. I don't know why I'm mentioning this next part but I saw a really interesting woman at guitar lessons today. She reminded me of Erin Brockovitch. She had four little kids and she was telling them not to run amuck in the music store while she went outside for a minute to smoke. Next topic, why is the girl who has only played guitar for two months already doing the same Police song that I am when I started like 8 months ago? If my guitar was a baby it would probably be born by skills might be a little premature though.

P.S. - Grape soda sucks. So do grapes.

"I'm 99 for a moment Dying for just another moment And I'm just dreaming Counting the ways to where you are" - Five For Fighting

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Dull Day

Mood: Woody
Listening: to the lawn service guys mowing the grass

When I woke up this morning it was from a strange dream that I vaguely remember. It involved Jason and I on scaffolding that surrounded a tall building, a strong gust of wind blew and I saw him fall to his death. Later in a bar I discussed his death with a girl who heard about his death on the news. There was more to this dream but this is all I can recall.

Now that I think about it the scaffolding with it’s wooden platforms remind me of those surrounding the mast construction project on the east side of the school. More evidence that my dreams just replay memories from the previous day; but why did Jason have to die, and why was the building so much taller than the mast? As for the rest of my day it was quite dull, though I did feel that I got a lot of work accomplished. Yep, sure is boring. I voted on the design for out state quarter. Might watch Frasier, might not watch Friends. Not much else to say; bye.

“Friendship is a poor excuse for a relationship.”

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." - Maya Angelou

Monday, May 03, 2004


Seesaw Kill Bill Vol 2. Excellent movie, I reccomend you go to it but you might want to rent Kill Bill 1 first. I prefer the second. Watched 10.5 and the typical Sunday stuff. Didn't do much else.

"Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense." - Carl Sagan

I AM 80% GEEK!
80% GEEK
UBER GEEK! My mad skills would make Linus Torvalds shake in his boots. But I seldom, if ever, get laid. Well, there are always the web-cam girls!

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Today is . . .

All right. Today is okay, well no it kinda sucks. Lab did some work with a days worth of urine then tested some blood. The docs left no fluid un-drained. Well except for semen and I'll probably drain that my self some what later.

"I'm no genius, or are I?" - Homer Simpson

"You think money just grows on trees? NO, it comes from the cloner." - Shake

Have I even been to a rave? I'll go home. I am a Loser. I suck. Actually, I am probably just a normal person taking this test and don't know why.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

* *

That felt good. Oh yeah and FUCK YOU WIER, ANDY RICHTER WAS AWESOME!
Sad News- the college tour was full


Not like pee your pants scary just...strange scary. That is how I would describe the nightmares I had last night. Like most of my dreams they were strange, it started off with me letting my dog Rocky out. Turned out this was a bad idea because he mauled the mailman to death. So I hid the mail guy in the basement. The next day my Dad did something to really piss me off, I can't even remember what it was not I just remember I stormed out and got in my car. Then, accidentally ran over him. So I buried him in the back yard. The police found out and I went to jail. The jail was more like one of those Nazi death camps that sucked. While working in this place I thought I heard a phone ring, stopped and looked around. Then I'm not sure if this was minutes or house later my cell phone actually rang and I woke up. It was noon, the thing about my dad getting buried was similar to an X-files episode I had seen at 1:00am before sleeping and I did just finish watching Schindler's List in class. My dreams sometimes mix stuff from what I see on TV. As for the mail dude getting bit, well Rocky has wanted to take a bite out of him everyday. He jumps on the door and scratches and barks like crazy. Yesterday I yanked him back. Doesn't seem that significant, but I guess m mind figured it would throw that in.
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

© 2005 Sojourner Nate