Thursday, September 30, 2004

Anarchy Rising

Today was a definite change of pace, it started out normal enough. I went to my 1st hour class, sat down and waited. About ten minutes into class we were still sitting there staring at our teacher blankly. Some of us had given up on doing anything so had gone on to chat or surf the web on the computers. Then he just freaked out. Gave some speech about how over half the class was late and how it was really disrespectful then he wrote in big letters on the dry erase board "I QUIT!" he packed up his stuff an walked out. It was a very Boston Public moment. Not too unusual though, Mr. Smith has a flare for the dramatic. It's something you notice right off the bat. Anyway, most of us thought he bluffing, that was until he didn't come back 20 minutes later. A female faculty member came into the room with a walkie talkie, glared at us, mumbled something into a walkie talkie then left and was replaced by a student teacher. Most of us spent the remainder of the class just goofing off, playing music or games. My partner for the power point project we were doing (this sexy redhead) continue to diligently work on the project. I felt guilty because after Smith quit I was like "fuck it, we're never turning this in" and left her to do all the work. Don't you need to give two weeks notice before quitting? Oh well, I guess he just won't get that great teacher's severance package. In AP Chemistry I got an 84% on my test. Not bad, but I was hoping for a lot better. In Jazz our teacher was also gone, giving a performance with his previous class. So we spent that hour basically like a recess playing around in the big band room. I met one of the saxophonist who reminded me a lot of myself. It was almost scary, we listened to his burned Linkin Park CD's talked about the different kinds of time travel methods used in movies, and how he didn't go to his step-parents' wedding. Seemed like things were going fine until I discovered my guitar tuner was stolen. I'm pretty sure I know who took it, Ben II probably. If I ever get any proof his ass is grass. And of course, French was informative as always.

"My horniness has risen to...Fezian levels." - That '70s Show
(I really need to watch this show more often, I like it everytime I see it. Ah horniness, once again I'm thinking about that fit lil firecrotch next to me Ashlee Bank I want you!)

This was on, I knew there was a reason I read the news.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Long List of Food Preferences

I've decided to replace my daily recap with a long list of favorites and least favorites. Sometimes it's interesting just to know the score.
Favorite Foods: Pizza (tired) ice cream floats, Soups (esp. Chicken noodle, potato or chicken with rice) Sandwiches (smoked turkey lettuce, cheese and mustard on wheat yummy!) Basically anything with potatoes and bacon. Also enjoy pasta, chicken. Cereals, bagels, bananas, oranges, apples and caramel, angel food cake. Celery, peanut butter, ANYTHING with peanut butter. Carrots. Maple and brown sugar oatmeal, marshmallows, anything with a lot of salt and or pepper on it. BBQ.
Least Favorite Foods: Tuna, brussell sprouts, sushi, mayonnaise (not a meal but keep it out of my food) chillidogs, Many Mexican foods. Jellies, jams, peaches, fruit rollups, fruit snacks Clam chowder, lobster, many other sea foods. Onions, chitlins (Don't know? Don't ask.), eggs, pickles, beets and other foul smelling foods. Worcester sauce (turns people into zombies) teriyaki sauce.
Favorite drinks: Green tea, cream soda, Red Bull, Cherry Coke, Evian bottled water (there is a difference between that and Aquafina) chocolate milk, Orange Juice, lemonade, gathered
Least Favorite Drinks: Grape Juice, banana milk (gross who invented this?!), most types of kool aid, most alcoholic beverages, tap water, coffee (bitter bean run off)

"Big Pimpin' on the trumpet? Ha Ha, what a fag." - Phillip

Monday, September 27, 2004

The Fairer Sex

Who says you can't find a good dominatrix in Iraq?

Today was fan-fucking-tastic (Okay not that great, lets save this adjective for a more special time). *ahem* Today was swell. We finally baked the pizza in Foods 2 class. I was surprised, it was actually good. Green peppers and pepperonis were the toppings our group selected. We had to have at least one vegetable. So long as it wasn't olives or onions I was happy. Usually I don't like peppers because when Pizza Hut makes pizza they never seem that finely chopped. You get like a half of a pepper on every slice. If I wanted to take a bite out of some hella spicy vegetable I would, but guess what? I don't. Ours turned out good because they were diced and Suated. Emily told me something interesting about an old friend. It seems Meg threw a party at her house while her parents were gone. The police game to break it up and found shitloads of weed. Now she's in rehab, when I heard this I couldn't help but chuckle. Mythology we watched a movie called Clash of the Titans. All I can say is Mystery Science Theater material there. That animatronic owl made you wonder if you were tripping on something. Perhaps the mushrooms from Foods had less mush and more 'shroom. Well it's dinner time now, so I guess I'll go put this DiGorno in the oven.

P.S. - Never eating pizza again

"You will never have a friend if you must have one without faults." - Italian proverb

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Keeping Posted

There is talk in our family about getting a new pet. Not that anyone could ever replace Rocky! Or Jake. Here my ideas for names:
If it is a cat -
Orion (male)
Schrodinger (shrody if female)
If it is a dog -
Sirius (male)
Laika (female)

Saturday, September 25, 2004

What Will They Think Of Next?
At last, I've found the driver for my sound card. Flash cartoons are so much funnier when you can actually hear them. Spent most of the day watching Star Wars trilogy. I was talked into getting widescreen. Also, just finished watching Battlefield Earth; I hear it's the worst movie ever made, but I don't know. I've always been fond of films set in apocalyptic views of Earth. Not saying it was a good movie, but interesting.

"I am tired of plastic politicians-professional politicians who have nothing to do with their lives."
"Sometimes I think there ought to be more Indians in Congress, or else no Indians, because it is very tough being the only Indian." - Ben Nighthorse Campbell

Friday, September 24, 2004

It's Quiz Time

Lol! Actually, this kind of stuff really isn't funny anymore.

Squall leonheart
You're Squall.
Somtimes he may appear selfish and lacking in the
social skills department, but on the inside he
just wants to be loved ( I don't believe I just
said that)Cold at first he warms up to a few
more out going people. Regards, Poedil :)

Which FF8 character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Discover your Zodiac Personality
Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me

That's stupid...It's impossible to over analyze things!

"There is a time for silliness and I time for seriousness. Only you can decide the time for each. You're the only one who should." - a personal quote

Old Comments
ok i really wish i didn't click on that picture
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.25.04 - 3:29 am | #

Actually I just clicked yes on all the questions just to see what the guy would say. It was amusing for a while but he never shut up.
lsob | 09.26.04 - 12:31 am | #
Here's the actual link, site that used to be cool but now sucks to to add overdose.
LSOB | Email | Homepage | 09.26.04 - 8:22 pm | #

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Post Number 310

So today was pretty typical. I went to Comp Mast. and flirted with Selma whenever her fat dyke friend wasn't around to glare at me. Pissed off Mrs. Hageyman by actually being on time and already knowing most of the shit about HTML. Foods 2 was great we made delicous homedae cinnamon rolls! Yum! I ate everyone's leftovers and licked the extra icing out of the bowls until my stomach hurt really bad. Ms. Gray said "Did you get enough to eat?" In the middle of Jazz band I got interupped during a song by a policeman (school cop actually). When he arrived everyone belived it was for something weed related (not surprising in that class). Phillip yelled "the jig is up". Mais non, I'm no stoner. He just wanted me to move my car; he says that teacher are starting to complain about a silver Volvo that keeps taking their spots. Hey, all the best parking spots go to faculty, if one's not taken then I'm snagging it. In AP Chemisrty we did a fun lab including fire (that's always good) regarding the oxidation of Magnesium and molar conversions. During the heating down time i shot the shit with the German exchange students. Ate lunch at Taco John's. OLE! Okay that's about it.

"In order to improve the mind, we ought less to learn, than to contemplate." - Rene Descartes
"You should say what's wrong and echo what's right." - Hootie & the Blowfish

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

LSOB. Back In The Saddle.

I'm back from my Blogger hiatus. That's right, I took another break. Surprised? You shouldn't be. So I know everyone is wondering what's life like out there in Nateland. Well, here's the 411. I've divided my life into several categories to make it simpler to read and more simple to compose for a simpleton like me.

Physical Activities:
I'm too busy to stop at my locker and I have 5 giant text books in my back pack. The school has three flights of stairs. I have classes on all three floors. Fuck weight lifting and jogging. When I get home I don't feel like doing anything anymore.

Family Time:
I have a family. Sometimes I see them. My brother calls my cell phone during classes. Teacher like not.

Basically nonexistent. I pet my cat & do. I go to lunch with my friends and then come home and sleep or study. As for romantic relationships *stifles a laugh* I've selected three candidacy for ask-outed-ness. Girl #3 actually chose me, she invited me to go to this party with her Saturday night. Though certainly not ugly, she's not up to my physical standards (high) but I decided to go because I was impressed by her initiative. Most girls lack the balls figuratively and literally to do this. Of course her friend was there to help her along. I feel like an asshole because I agreed then couldn't make it. I was expecting to get my car back yesterday but they needed to keep it over the weekend. I discovered her locker was next to mine this morning and apologized. She was all smiles and just as giggley as always so I guess she forgives me. Girl #2, Veronica. Extremely hot! Flirts with me all the time. She said she noticed how I always starred at her Freshman year and thought it was funny how I always got in trouble in Algebra. She's now recently single but I've decided to hold off on asking her because the crush I had on her has faded. Girl #1 Selma, she's the cute quiet girl in Computer Mastery, beautiful smile, beautiful hair, really great legs! On the few occasions we get to talk I can tell she likes me, and she's very sweet next chance I get I'll ask her out.

Oh, sorry. *Dust off soul* I forgot I had this thing! I'm currently looking for a religion to invest my faith in. One week end I'm going to make a list of possible choices and investigate each one. I think I can cross Baptist off the list (can you say non-progressive?). Methodist is still in the air. I suppose it doesn't have to be Christian but I would prefer that it would be. Just to ease transition. I'm a pretty low maintenance guy. Guess that takes care of Catholicism too (plus I don't want to be touched in my bad place by anyone other than me). If you think your faith can tame my skeptical, sarcastic and considerably a-moral soul give me call at 1-800-HELL-ORBUST

Doing great in most everything except French, need to find a new teacher so Mr. Holland (How strange is that?) will stop complaining about how much he hates guitar players in the rhythm section. Wish I had taken sociology, guess I'll save that for college. Applied for many colleges. So that I can stop the bitching about scholarships and school cost I'll take care of my basic classes at a community college. Probably that nice new one in Overland Park. Oh yeah and good news from Big Buy; STOCK OPTIONS! *leaps into the air and clicks his heals together*


Fast Food quotes for your scorning pleasure: "Stay away from my chicken selects!" -McDonalds "I'm FULL!" - Taco Bell

Old Comments

but baby wipes are.. damp. it's like moist towelettes for the nether regions!
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.22.04 - 12:41 am | #

So? It leaves you feeling clean like nothing else. When you take showers do you complain that the water is damp?...DO you take showers?
Return of LSOB | 09.24.04 - 6:01 pm | #

Friday, September 03, 2004

Another Week Bites The Dust. Paragraphs Are For Losers.

Today went pretty well, I fixed both the computer in my room and the one upstairs at Dad's. Plus I finally conquered the driver trouble I was having with that POS Epson printer. My uncle Mitchell has come to live with us. He has lost his job in Wichita and is now unemployed searching our town for new opportunities. It's weird because he and my dad are identical twins. The only difference is that my uncle is a lot skinnier than my dad. Their names are similar too, my dad is Michael. Shouldn't cramp our style though. The house is large and my uncle with have the guest room upstairs. I haven't had much time to blog anymore do to a heavy course load. To my surprise, AP Chem isn't very difficult, so long as you read the material it's French that is making me it's bitch. Got a test coming up over radioactive decay and mass defect, looks like it should be a piece of cake. I'm making an effort to cut down on pop today. I drank an entire 12 pack of Sunkist (hey, I was studying) when I peed. It hurt. Time for an intervention.

Old Comments
Duncan Yo-Yo. I forgot to add one thing to this post. The other way to tell my Dad and Uncle apart is one has the retro porn star 'stache.
LSOB | Homepage | 09.21.04 - 6:55 pm | #

Yo-ko Ono.
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.21.04 - 3:06 pm | #

Thursday, September 02, 2004

God Bless America

Hi guys, to prepare for tomorrow's discussion in U.S. gov I was going to watch "Dubbya's" speech tonight (which is replacing Big Brother 5!) But I say why watch long winded speeches when you can watch short humorous political cartoons. Check out and click "This Land" I especially enjoyed the part at the end which featured my ....Ahem beloved place of work, "Big Buy".

"If you beleive everything you see on TV, stop watching TV." - one of Mr T.'s board quotes

Old Comments
Okay people, updates are in, more on the way. Ok I need to go now Southpark 'Cartmanland' is on and I have French homewrok.
Lazy Son of a Blogger | Email | Homepage | 09.02.04 - 9:57 pm | #

je peux t'aidre avec tes devoirs
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.03.04 - 6:01 am | #

je peux t'aider avec tes devoirs
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.03.04 - 6:02 am | #

wow, shit man, do you like my typo on "aider"? hahaa
Rochelle | Email | Homepage | 09.03.04 - 6:02 am | #

I'm to lazy to get out the dictionary so let me guess: "Did you just say I can help you with homework"? If so that's cool because I just got a quiz back today and guess what. I got the lowest grade in the class. 31/50 points. Subjunctif kicked my ass. DAMN YOU 'QUES!' perhaps if I turned of the TV once in a while. I'm not even going to have one in my dorm at college.
lsob | Email | 09.03.04 - 5:40 pm | #

Heres one example of

[Donnez des reponses personnelles
Question: 1. J'ai envie que tu ______
My Answer: faux]

When I don't know the answer I just say vray or faux. Brilliant huh?
lsob | Email | 09.03.04 - 6:07 pm | #

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

© 2005 Sojourner Nate