Thursday, June 30, 2005

War of the Blockbusters

I finally saw War of the Worlds tonight at 9:15. I say finally making it sound like I've waited my entire life for it when in reality it's only been out for a day. I did anxiously watch the clips and read the reviews online though. Great movie, it was better than I expected but I wished it was longer. For those who are old enough or geeky enough to recall the original (I think it was 1950s) version I should say that there are a lot of similarity. Including the part where the camera probe gets chopped off with an axe and the part where all the aliens die from disease. Spoiler Alert. Oops, I guess I should have said that earlier. Sorry. Anyway, they never tells us what disease the aliens die from but I think it's fun to believe it's AIDS. I don't know why, but I find that to be extremely amusing. The first thing my mother asked me when I returned was "-better than Batman Begins?" The last movie I saw at the theater.

The jury is still out on that one. It's definitely a tough call, but I'm tempted to say Batman was better just because I got the sense that more work or careful thought was put into it. I know, summer movies with any sort of intelligent thought behind them? Call me crazy. WOTW was just a remake though so I'd have to say Batman was better. Both movies high on action content, if you're looking for an adrenaline rush but are too much of a fat lazy couch potato to go out seek your own you won't be let down. These movies are kick ass.

I also rented The Aviator on DVD. This is a movie I have wanted to watch for sometime but frankly when I found out how long it was I became intimated. The movie was great. It really was. If you're like me and you have a lot of time on your hands then you should really enjoy this one. I know I say this every time I watch a movie with Leonardo Dicaprio, but I have a new respect for his acting abilities. Who else could seem so convincing lining the walls with jars of urine? Watch if only to smirk at Katharine Hepburn's voice. Had this been in theaters at the same time as the others I watched it obvious would have rated higher. At the end you admire Howard and feel sorry for him at the same time. It's the way of the future.....No, The WAY of the future.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

On A Rainy Day

I can't believe how much rain this area has been getting lately. For a time it was so hot I thought I might never see a rain cloud again, but it's been pouring down lately...

Didn't do much today. I purchased my sociology textbook from the Washburn library for my summer school class. It was $35. Nothing else to say, really. I read part of it, the section I looked at talked about different learning styles and the different ways in which people can be intelligent. In that section, at least, nothing seemed too new to me. Though I didn't get the chance to read much further; maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


After so many applications I finally got a call for an interview, and it is at one of my top choices. I thought the interview went very well, as soon as the background check is complete I should be allowed back for a follow up interview (unless I committed some felonies in the past that have completely slipped my mind). UPS pays a great starting salary of 8.40/hour which is higher than my ending pay at my old job. The only problem is I will have to commute 20 miles each day until August 14 when my dormitory at college opens.

TV was great tonight, lots of awesome movies, most of them I've seen a million times but don't mind watching again. Among them was Jurassic Park, Armageddon, and Close Encounters. Who could ever get tired of those? Close Encounters gave me another chance to see if I still understand French well.

Plus Stella premiered on Comedy Central. It was awesome. Just awesome. If you haven't seen it you need to check it out, way better than Hollow Men.

Monday, June 27, 2005


I'm bored, sitting around the house all day just isn't as exciting as it used to be. On the bright side, I'll be starting college again soon, and I actually have a job interview tomorrow at 2:00.

Right now I'm watching Air Force One on ABC, I think it's the third time I've seen this movie. It doesn't seem to get old though, it's fun to watch Harrison Ford look concerned then shoot at Russian guys. Heh heh those Russians, what is it with them and always having to be the bad guys. Tsk tsk.

Well commercial is over, bye.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


Didn't do much today, we had an open house. Dad and I ate lunch at Panera bread. Saw Elsiee there. She seemed very friendly. Later went home and watched Animation Domination on Fox. You know, the usual Sunday routine.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Summer reading

I finally finished reading the book I started way back during my vacation. Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. Good book, I definitely recommend it. It one of those novels that makes you say "Ah, now I get it." at the end. A little bit of a downer maybe, but entertaining enough to where you won't care how tragic it is. At least not that much.

Friday, June 24, 2005

More Dreams

I dreamt that I went to a booksote in the mall, and fell asleep in a small enclosed reading area. When I woke up the store was closing and the cashier demanded I purchase some magazine because "the gold sticker was removed"; found the gold sticker, didn't have to purchase the magazine. When I left the store I discovered I was locked in the mall, I was worried I would have to spend the night there then I noticed that the doors were opening back up and the lights were coming on in a few places. I found an old backpack of mine on one of the tables, then a bunch of people entered the room sat down and began opening their book bags. They were having college classes in closed mall stores at 3AM, all the classes were taught by former middle and elementary school teachers. All of the students were female, half were pregnant. I tried to escape but once I got outside a bum raced me to my car and stole it in the dimly lit parking lot.

Possible sources: Watched Robot Chicken before I fell asleep, saw the episode where Jared Fogle fell asleep in a bakery and ate all the cake; Liz got home late from the mall last night and my summer school starts in about two weeks. The bum who jacked my car had strong resemblance to Will Ferrel, only hairier. Could be from a memory of a commercial for the Bewitched movie which stars him and Nicole Kidman I think.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Another Dream

Dreamt that Derrick and I were walking along some busy street in New York and I was clutching some shiny thin silver laptop computer. We went into a store that sold hats and I was annoyed because I wanted to go home (in NYC?). Derrick bought a "New York Celtics" visor that was lime green and way too large for his head.

Possible sources: I read PC Magazine before I fell asleep, I organized souvenirs from France earlier in the day, many of them were purchased in stores reminiscent of the one from my dream.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Mkay Now What Do I Call This?

FINALLY got my non-digital euro-trip photos scanned. I'll be uploading them along with accompanying posts shortly! Didn't do much else today other than watch TV. I really need to get a job, if the Hollywood Video and Home Depot thing doesn't pan out I'm considering mall security. That would be cool cuz you get pepperspray and can watch security cameras on CCTV, that has it's benefits too if you know what I mean. "Heh. Heh. Allriiight!"

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dream Land

I've been having lots of strange dreams lately, last night I dreamt that I pretended to be retarded and won $20 million from Opera some how. I also had a dream where my Dad and I were playing tennis and he had a heart attack.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Bounty Hunter

So I hear they are offering a $10 million reward for the capture of one of Saddam's high ranking gnereals. I've got a ton of frequent flyer miles saved up so I'm thinking about going to Iraq to find this guy. I just don't know how I can bring guns on the plane, might have to buy some there.....anyone else wanna come?

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Long, long distance

"On the phone long, long distance Always through such
strong resistance First you say you’re too busy I wonder if you even miss me"

God I love cake, both the dessert and the band. Mmm cake.....imagine eating cake while listening to cake, I bet that's exaclty what heaven is like!

Anyway I finally got to talk to my online-long-distance-psuedo-girlfriend today. For the longest time we just played phone tag calling eachother and hanging up or leaving strange messages but today we finally put our phone cards to good use and chatted for about an hour. It was fun but I really had a tough time understanding her British accent sometimes, but she says that she understood me fine. Here is a list of the top ten things I like to hear her say:

1. ass "arse"
2. Manchesterr
3. motor bike
4. trainers
5. stupid
6. taa pet
7. Tesco
8. querries
9. din din
10. person

According to Olivia she enjoys speaking with me beacue I sound funny she says that I sound like Bill & Ted. For the record, I don't. She DOES sound like Lara Croft thouh, really.

Friday, June 17, 2005


!@# says:
hey, sorry was a long 10mins
$%& says:
$%& says:
$%& says:
what did you eat?
!@# says:
a nice chicken thing my sister made
$%^ says:
real nice
!@# says:
so yeah, what would you like for your birthday, seriously
!@# says:
a post card of mancs
!@# says:
!@# says:
!@# says:
mancs = manchester
!@# says:
a picture of you that isn't horrifying
$%& says:
I gathered
!@# says:
gathered what? flowers?
$%& says:
mancs = manchester
!@# says:
yeah? your point is?
!@# says:
$%& says:
yes fleurs pour tu
!@# says:
!@# says:
$%& says:
You're no like my boss or anything
$%& says:
You would say tu
!@# says:
les fleurs pour vous
!@# says:
$%& says:
family and friends are tu
!@# says:
i know aight
$%& says:
Your french sucks, you didn't know.
$%& says:
told ya
!@# says:
no it doesnt
$%& says:
say no it doesn't
$%& says:
you can't!
!@# says:
at least i put 'les' at the front of it
!@# says:
you didnt
$%& says:
It would be des or du I think
!@# says:
$%& says:
les fleurs would mean every flower on Earth
!@# says:
def les
!@# says:

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Austin T

I watched 30 Days today. I think this has the potential to become one of my favorite shows. Really good stuff. Each episode is like a mini documentary by the guy who made Supersize Me.

I ate too many doughnuts. Way too many donuts. It hurts on the inside...ow. Dying. Ow.

6 + pep

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Invertebrate Holocaust

I used an entire can of Radi. GOD I HATE BUGS! I couldn't even use 'insect' in the title cuz there were spiders and even a centipede. ugh nasty.

If you don't believe me when I say they are vile little bastards type "centipede" into the Google image search. You'll instantly want to nuke the planet just to be rid of them.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Stuck It In!

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The Great Job Search

Best Buy was a hectic place to work. I think that during the time I spend there I probably aged an extra 10 years. Hmm, no wonder they hire mostly young people.

Now I'm jobless. I'm jobless and screwed because college starts for me in July, I move in to my dorm, at yet another college, (maybe) in September. I have no tuition assistance. I have just $500 in my bank account. Dad is still recovering from when he lost his job a few years ago. Obviously, there's going to be a lot o pressure on Mom. Plus more on me, when I spend the next 80 years of my life paying of student loans.

So in short I need a job. Despite my desperate need for money I'm still picky. No fast food. Nothing as insane as Best Buy. Must have discounts on cool stuff. Must make at least $9.00 an hour.

It makes me sick to bring this up again, but when I was in Europe UPS called me. I checked their website everyday for two months waiting for an opportunity to schedule a job interview; the day before I returned a woman called my cell phone and asked if I was available. I missed the opportunity. One of my top choices, gone. I won't be getting that job now, not a chance. The only reason I write this here is because I'm hoping someday when I'm a successful engineer with a six-figure salary I'll read this and chuckle maybe. Ask my hot-as-hell wife "Hey hon, take a look at what I wrote back when I was a poor college-kid". That seems unfathomable now, really.

Instead I'm chasing here right now. About an hour ago I was chasing a paper with confidential information on it across the hot, dusty West side Mall parking lot. I was covered in bar-b-q sauce from Chic-fil-a.

Lets rewind. I got up early this morning, about 10:00, and decided I needed to get to work finding a new job. Whenever I'm filling out a job application I always come across some question that I don't know. Finding the correct information doubles the time it takes to fill out the app. Often I just have to start all over. So before I left on yet another wild goose chase I decided to make my own application on the computer and answer every possible question I could imagine before hand, that way if I stumbled across something I didn't know off the top of my head it would be right there. I made the document, then sent it to Moms house because the printer at Dads is broken. Then I drove over to the other side of town downloaded that attachment, and printed it out.

After that I went cruising around for jobs. I applied at Sears where my formerly unemployed uncle works (the only way to get a job nowadays is to know someone who works there). I don't think there is any chance of me getting hired though, 99% of the people in the store were employees. Next I went to Chic-fil-a, not for a job, just so I could use the "FREE CHICKEN SANDWICH!" gift certificate I won at the Post-Prom. No pickles of course.

I applied at Dillard’s too, normally I'd never want to work in a store that sells clothing (ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) but I received a lot of gift cards to that place a few months ago. Here is where the fun starts. I filled out the application while I ate my chicken sandwich. Once finished I stuffed all my trash into the bag found a trashcan and chucked it in. Maybe with a bit too much force. The bag hit the side and burst open spilling trash everywhere. I quickly started stuffing stuff back in before the wind blew it away. Barbeque sauce (I dip everything in it) was dripping all over me and my nice "job geetin' clothes" and there was another piece of trash blowing away. A piece of trash that had my name, address, social security number, and just about everything else you'd ever want to know about me on it. I had accidentally thrown away my cheat sheet. I finally caught up with the paper when it blew into thee tall grass of what had once been some farmer's pasture and was now just a small sliver of undeveloped land with a giant FOR SALE sign on it. I retrieved my precious document but not before putting on an apparently hi-larious show for Mr. and Mrs. Lardass and their 4400 obese children standing outside of Red Lobster.

By the time I had gotten my paper back and returned to my car I was no longer in the mood to apply at Hollywood Video or anywhere else so I just went home.

Michael Jackson has been acquitted today. Dad is watching it on TV; he's an attorney so I guess this crap is fascinating to him. Many people believe the victims’ mothers were trying to frame him to make money. If so, I guess it didn't work. Though if that was truly their intention I'm sure they could make almost as much by writing a book about the experience. Publishers know as well as I do that some moron would buy it.

Hmm, I just figured out what my new job will be.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Que pensez-vous ?

Should I minimize the vacation pics like on my Jan 17 post or leave them in their current full sized format?

This isn't my true post for Sunday BTW, it is still in draft phase.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Who Knew?

Who knew that without school or work there was still so much shit to get done? No wonder housewives actually feel they have jobs. It appears they just might! I've graduated from high school and I've been fired from my job; it's summer time and you think I'd be spending my entire week on the couch, watching Battlestar Galactica and eating ice cream out of a coconut shell (*sigh*, England).

Early this morning, circa 10:30 I decided to make a to do list of everything I needed to accomplish. Somehow I ended it up with a list of about 18 things. I've managed to finish half of one of those things. It didn't help that we were showing the house today, and I was running back and forth between Mom and Dads to get stuff I forgot. Anyway, I managed to fill out half of my Dormitory application form. The rest of the stuff on it requires my parents’ input and/or approval. Financial stuff.

Here are some example questions:
1. Are you a morning person?
HELL no!
2. Are you a "neat-freak"
3. I spend a lot of time studying
More than I should
4. I have an outgoing personality and love meeting new people.
5. I spend the majority of my free time partying or clubbing with friends.
6. I'd rather that guest not sleep over.
Who'd want to spend the night with you in a fucking dorm?!
7. I'd prefer a roommate involved with extracurricular activities
I'd prefer a female roommate. One who will find kinky ways to help me study, like quizzing me prior to exams and swallowing a length of my cock for every correct answer (could take some time).

Hmm, should white that out before I give it to Mom. . .

So on the list I crossed out half of the word 'Application'. Also on my to do list is update my European Vacation info. Rather than copy my written journal word for word I'll probably just type about certain subject like traveling, food, etc. Once I finish sorting through about 400 photos I'll add them too. It's sad the best ones are not on my digital, and there are more great ones that I can't use because they are too revealing. I need to just grab the bear by the balls and get started but I suppose that will have to wait for just one more day.

Damn I wish I had a scanner. Damn, I wish I had money.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Dinner and a MovieS

Look how much time I wasted today, hardly moved. One after another.

Dinner = 4 old Cinnabons
Movie(s) = Clerks, Closer, Blade III: Trinity, Team America: World Police, Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason, The Life Aquatic: with Steve Zizou, Into The West on TNT

Ah, I missed your cold blue glow. Chronic couch potato. I had just gotten in shape from all my walking overseas too, oh well.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

No Place Like Home

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Welp, I'm back. Expect updates soon when I recover from jet lag.

Friday, June 03, 2005

More where this came from....

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Now Boarding

Extrapolated from journal - I still need to scan pictures of: the plane at KCI, jet engine and wing with Chicago skyline, and debarking by staircase at Charles De Gaulle

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Travel, air travel in particular is something that has always fascinated me. I'm in love with idea of ending up somewhere that I've never been before. Seeing and experiencing things that are all completely new to me.

Though sometimes, the journey can be just as cool as the destination. My flight from Kansas City, Missouri to Chicago, Illinois is one that I have made many times but every time I fell the plane move faster and faster until it finally lifts into the air I become excited in a way that I rarely am. That little hop off the runway signifies that a new adventure has begun at last; weeks of planning and packing have now reached fruition. I am airborne and on the way.

Until I left O’Hare for Paris every passenger jet that I had flown in was the same, a cramped older, even rustic looking metal tube with seats on either side where you could stare out a scratched little oval porthole if you were lucky enough to get the window seat. Otherwise you will have to sit on the edge of your chair and try to make yourself taller so you can see over the person who was blessed with the window seat. This is what I did. All four flights I got some of the worst seats possible. From KC to The Windy City I was seated between the ass cheeks of the aircraft. I was seated several rows behind my traveling group, I had the window seat (only time) but the giant engine and wing filled most of my view. Still I had my face pressed against the plastic most of the flight. How could you ever get used to seeing clouds float by BENEATH you and around you like big fluffy mountains. I suppose I should ask one my traveling companions who despite it being her first flight stared straight ahead and paid little attention to her surroundings. Or the guy in the row beside mine who just shut his window completely and took a nap. I could never sleep on a plane, I have too much pent up energy, and I'm always uncomfortable. The avion we took to Paris was far more attractive than the one we took to Chicago. I was shocked to see how many rows and aisles of seats it had. That's a 777 for you; each seat even had its own small screen set into the seat in front of yours. You could use the menu to access radio, a map, TV, or movies that you could partake in a limited selection of languages. I navigated my menu in French just for practice. En route to Paris we could choose to see either About A Boy, or Hitch. Returning we could see Coach Carter or The Wedding Date. I watched them all, though I must admit I almost didn’t make it through The Wedding Date. It was a god-awful movie.

Even after watching all the movies I had a few hours left over on both flights. Rather than watching Everybody Loves Raymond or Johnny Bravo on the flights TV screen I decided to read my book. Tough choice, but I used my Borders gift card [a graduation gift] to purchase this book for the trip and I intended to read it. I read best when I am trapped in a confined space with nothing else to do. Mom went to KC and purchased the book for me using my gift card. We don’t have a Borders in T-town so there is no way I could have used it at home.

Once I started reading I forgot all about the TV, I choose Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk (say that three times fast). The cover gives you the impression it’s about the survivor of a plane crash. The book involves a plane crash, but it’s really about the life of a guy who is the lone survivor of a Heaven’s Gate like cult with Amish traditions. He tells his life story into the plane's 'black box' before it nosedives into the Australian outback. It’s a great book, very fascinating, very quotable. Just like Fight Club, which was also written by Palahniuk.

When the plane landed I snapped a picture of the nose of our jet and the motorized staircase the brought up to it at De Gaulle. It was the first time I had gotten off a flight that way as opposed to the access tunnel, it was also the first thing I laid eyes on in another country.

While in Paris we were able to get around the city easily using the Metro. There was one incident in which someone got separated but we all rendezvoused later at the Novotel. The Parisian subway is old, but fast. Filled with wonderful vending machines that dispense delicious Orangina for a high price. It is also filled with Fobos (French hobos) who would gladly like that same amount of money themselves. If you’re ever in Paris do them a favor and toss ‘em some coins. Unemployment is high in France.

Our tour group used the Eurostar to get from France to England: a speedy train that goes beneath the English Channel. The train is spacious, far more comfortable than an airplane. It even has a car that serves breakfast. This was the first time I have ridden on a train, it was a very enjoyable experience. Met a nice Indian family on the way. They were “on holiday” too.

London also has a subway called the “Underground” you can find it by looking for the big red circle with the stripe in the middle. It’s newer, cleaner, and less efficient. It takes forever to get anywhere in London via the underground. It’s also more crowded. If you want to get around London and you’re not pressed for pounds you’re better off taking one of those old black taxis or a red double-decker bus. The only minus is you won’t get to see posters advertising for movies that are old in the US of A written in strange ways or languages.

"Mind the gap!" - Underground in London
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

© 2005 Sojourner Nate